Ambassador to Nigeria: Who Is James Entwistle?

Saturday, June 08, 2013

President Barack Obama has turned to a career diplomat with extensive experience in Africa to serve as the next U.S. ambassador to the troubled nation of Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa. James F. Entwistle, who has been ambassador to the even more troubled Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) since November 2010, will succeed Terence P. McCulley, who served in Nigeria starting in August 2010.


Born circa 1956 to Air Force Col. Oliver Entwistle and Barbara Entwistle, James Entwistle earned a B.A. at Davidson College in 1978.


Joining the State Department in January 1981, Entwistle served early career postings from 1981 to 1986 in Yaounde, Cameroon; Douala, Cameroon; and Niamey, Niger. Early assignments in Washington, DC, between 1986 and 1990 included service as a watch officer in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research and as desk officer for Kenya and Uganda in the Bureau of African Affairs.


From 1991 to 1994, Entwistle was in charge of the Refugee Assistance unit at the U.S. embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, and served as deputy chief of mission at the embassy in Bangui, Central African Republic, from 1994 to 1995.


Back in Washington, Entwistle served in the Bureau of Consular Affairs from 1996 to 1998, returning to Southeast Asia to serve as counselor for Political Affairs at the embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 1999 to 2003.


Entwistle then served two consecutive stints as the number two official at two embassies. From 2003 to 2006, Entwistle was the deputy chief of mission (DCM) at the embassy in Colombo, Sri Lanka, with concurrent accreditation to Maldives, and served as DCM at the embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, from 2007 to 2010, when he was named to his first ambassadorship.


James Entwistle and his wife, Pamela Schmoll, have two children, Jennifer and Jeffrey. He speaks French and Thai.

-Matt Bewig



Guy Alcindor 8 years ago
Hi I received an email from Mr Jamer F Entwistle also but he wants me to send the fee in he's name Mr James F Entwistle now I am asking my self if he is the new appointed ambassador of Nigeria wouldn't he have diplomatic immunity
DebbyT 8 years ago
"James F Entwistle" contacted me through LinkedIn. I accepted the connection request. Since then he messaged me wanting us to be friends and more. so I Googled his name . I found out all kinds of things about the Ambassador. He's asked me for my email address twice which I have no intention of giving him. When I Googled his name again I came across this website when I did so. The scammers have a lot of nerve stealing the identity of an ambassador. There are several Facebook accounts under his name. I won't be communicating with him anymore that's for sure and I'm so glad I discovered this website
Tom Hagab 8 years ago
The whole thing is a fraud. They have stolen James identity and are using it to scam Americabs. Interpol and the FBI have a line on them. Monkey ass Nigerian scammers!
Yolanda Lopez 8 years ago
Why would Ambassador James Entwistle need me to pay for registering ambassadorial package to deliver a package to me? He's even is willing to change his travel plans to give me time to pay. He did send his credentials but I'm still wondering why a government official is Involved in this scam activity. He has diplomatic immunity and should be able to obtain whatever clearances required. That's why I am checking his history and record. Does President Obama know he is doing these activities? Someone in government should check into this. If I am awarded anything, I shouldn't have to pay for it.
Jake The Musk 8 years ago
never trust anything if you have won something and you have to pay for it what ever the reason then it is a scam for sure
Tamara Christian 8 years ago
Does James F. Entwistle send out private email using a Yahoo address. Do you bring the money in person and why would FedEx be shown with the tracking numbers for me to look up. Something does not sound correct. Thank you for your time. Tamara Christian
Cassandra 9 years ago
That is exactly what happen to my mother!!!
verna 9 years ago
I received an email asking for money to have money delivered to me by you. Sounds like a scam. Why would I have to pay money if someone is giving me something? Are they using your name of what. Scam???? Sounds like one to me.
PATRICK C. PATTEN 9 years ago
dear sirs i see you have received a mail from linda mcgowan , with the sae concern as i have ! we have been scammed so many times before! if this is not a scam again ?please send us mail we can trust! my name is patrick c. patten i live at 58 middle street , in newport n.h. 03773 i am 62 years old and retired i am currently in vietnam , and cell phone is not able to use my bank is if any money is required for transfer get it from the scammers they got it from me! thank you patrick patten
Linda Mcgowan 10 years ago
My girlfriend and i were scammed by the same person or persons. She just received an email from you saying that scammers were aressted in lagos and that her name was brought up in paticulars and she is to get back with you regarding being scammed and using your name James Entwhistle. She and I think this is another scam by the scammers how do we know for sure? Please respond to us. Thank You

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