Ambassador to Argentina: Who Is Noah Mamet?

Monday, November 11, 2013

One Barack Obama campaign contribution bundler will soon succeed another in Buenos Aires as ambassador to Argentina. Noah Bryson Mamet, who raised more than $500,000 for President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, was nominated by Obama on July 30 to succeed Vilma Martínez, who served in Buenos Aires starting in July 2009.


Born circa 1971 in Manhattan Beach, California, Noah Mamet earned a B.A. at the University of California at Los Angeles in 1992. At the age of 21, Mamet worked for the Democratic Party as a driver and bodyguard during the primary election campaign of Democratic Senate candidate Mel Levine, who lost his race for the nomination to Barbara Boxer, who then beat Republican Bruce Herschensohn in the general election. Mamet went on to work for the California Democratic Party and helped run the 1992 Bill Clinton campaign in Santa Barbara County. In 1994 he was the campaign manager for Peter Mathews’ unsuccessful Congressional run in Long Beach.


Mamet served as senior advisor and national finance director for House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt from 1995 to 2003, and continued working for Gephardt’s unsuccessful presidential bid in 2004. Between 1995 and 2002, Mamet helped Gephardt raise more than $238 million for Democratic congressional campaigns, committees and other political groups. After the dust of the 2004 primaries had settled, Mamet founded Noah Mamet & Associates, a Los Angeles-based political consulting firm that today also has offices in San Francisco and New York.


Although he worked as a campaign contribution bundler for Hillary Clinton’s unsuccessful presidential campaign in 2008, Mamet became a key player in President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, bundling more than $500,000 for the President.


Mamet serves as a member of the Pacific Council on International Policy and the American Council of Young Political Leaders.  He also sits on the boards of the Los Angeles based Green Dot Public Schools, a public charter school operator in California, and NatureBridge, a nonprofit that teaches math and science to children. In 2007, Mamet served on an international delegation for the National Democratic Institute monitoring the first elections in Sierra Leone after that country’s civil war. Mamet has also been an adviser to the Wasserman Family Foundation in Los Angeles, which focuses on philanthropic causes including education reform.

-Matt Bewig


To Learn More:

Noah Mamet Nominated as US Ambassador (Buenos Aires Herald)

Official Biography


Alam 9 years ago
Obama did well as he know devoted persons.He,Noah will produce results.He is a man of character and did a lot for the poor and needy people of California being part of america.He is young,dynamic,sagacious,intelligent and, will definitely watch the interest of people of American very intelligently.He achieved all he wished for betterment of the people of America in young age.I wish/hope he will raise to the position of American president.
RB in Argentina 9 years ago
He does not speak Spanish, and yes, this is an insult. As was not having an ambassador here for17 months.
Randy 9 years ago
Obama sells positions, Republicans give billionaires tax breaks and waste trillions of our tax dollars on their defense.
grant 10 years ago
apparently, the Post-Partisan President forgotten to pay attention to ability. Just more pay-for-play from just another pol. Shame on anyone who took this guy's rhetoric seriously
Brian in Chile 10 years ago
A more important question would be to ask if this guy can even speak Spanish. If not, it would be a downright insult to the Argentinian people to send somebody to represent our country who could not even communicate with them on a face to face basis. This reminds me of the time when I forget which president appointed Tommy Thompson, governor of Wisconsin, to act as our ambassador to Mexico. He could not speak a word of Spanish, and his appointment was a diplomatic disaster for that reason.
wim from buenos aires 10 years ago
It is clear to me that Obama rewards Mamet with an appointment to Buenos Aires for having raised 500K. I have two questions. 1. Had he raised a little more, could he have gotten somewhere more interesting? 2. Did he have to check the map in order to know where he was going? Shame on Obama with all his promises of change, US international politics in Latin America and in general is a farce and does all but set an example to the world.

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