Why Does the U.S. Spend $1 Trillion a Year to Fight an Enemy with No Ships, Warplanes or Tanks?: George C. Wilson

Monday, April 26, 2010

The United States spends more than $1 trillion a year on national defense, argues George C. Wilson of Congress Daily—an amount that seems ridiculous considering the nature of the enemy.

Total spending on America’s security goes far beyond the Department of Defense’s yearly budget, currently at about $550 billion. There also is the $160 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; $122 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs; $65.3 billion for defense-related international affairs;; $43.6 billion for the Department of Homeland Security; $26 billion on defense-related expenses by the Department of the Treasury; nearly $19 billion spent by the Department of Energy for nuclear weaponry; $7.6 billion on miscellaneous accounts related to the common defense; and $53.4 billion for just the interest on the Pentagon’s healthcare fund and defense portion of the national debt.
All told, the U.S. “is spending more than $1 trillion a year on national defense despite fighting only two little wars against enemies with no ships, warplanes or tanks,” writes Wilson.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Rational Defense (by George C. Wilson, Congress Daily)


Joseph Conrad 14 years ago
The taxpayer and borrowed (from the Federal Reserve)funds the US purports to spend fighting in Iraq, Afganistan and in over 75 nations aound the world is one massive 'transfer payment system' from taxpayers to the Wealthiest Old White Boys running the government since 1980. Teh funds are not meant to win any conflicts but merely to enable US corporations to rob, loot, pillage and murder the citizens of Non-white Resources-Rich nations around the world. Today, the US is working daily in over 150 sovereign nations around the world to destabilize their political systems so they may be more vulnerable to US corporate exploitation of their Oil, Water, natural Gas and Mineral wealth. Anothe use of the funds is to prevent citizens of Non-white Resources-Rich nations from EVER deriving benefit from their esources wealth andc thereby escaping White US corporate enslavement. It is merely another means the Wealthy Old White Boys in the US and EU employ to ensure eternal perpetuation of their Wealth & Power voer those who actually generate it for them...

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