U.S. Only Country of 47 to Vote against Investigating Possible Human Rights Violations during Israeli Occupation of Gaza

Monday, July 28, 2014
(photo A.M. Ahad, AP)

The United States has once again demonstrated its steadfast loyalty to Israel, this time casting the lone “no” vote on a United Nations resolution authorizing an investigation into alleged human rights abuses in Gaza.


American support for Israel has been tested during the recent military invasion of the Palestinian territory, which has seen hundreds of civilians—including many children—killed in the fighting.


But the Obama administration stuck by the Israeli government when Palestine called for a UN probe of reported violations of international humanitarian and human rights laws in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. The resolution passed the UN Human Rights Council with 29 nations in favor and 17 abstentions. The only country to oppose the plan was the U.S.


In addition to condemning the “widespread, systematic and gross violations of international human rights and fundamental freedoms” caused by Israeli military operations, the measure “condemned all violence against civilians wherever it occurred, including the killing of two Israeli civilians as a result of rocket fire.”


The resolution further calls for an immediate ceasefire, for Israel to immediately reopen the Gaza Strip, and for nations to provide humanitarian aide to the Palestinian people.

More than 1,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza and thousands injured since the invasion began on July 7, along with 45 Israelis, according to news reports.


“In Gaza, 443 or 74 per cent of the killed are civilians,” Kyung-Wha Kang, assistant secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and UN deputy emergency relief coordinator, said in a statement. “One third of civilians killed so far are children. One child has been killed each hour in Gaza over the past two days.”

-Noel Brinkerhoff


To Learn More:

As Civilian Casualties Rise in Gaza, UN Rights Council Agrees Probe into Alleged ‘War Crimes’ (United Nations)

UN Human Rights Council Launches Inquiry into Gaza Conflict (by David Stout, TIME)

Analysis: Human Rights or Human Shields in Gaza War? (by Oren Dorell, USA Today) 


An American citizen 10 years ago
Terrorist Hamas rockets are no justification for killing children. Then again, how many children died in Iraq as a result of U.S. bombing of cities...Oh wait, Iraq wasn't lobbing rockets into U.S. territory. It is a lose lose situation to have an opinion about this. If you don't back the Jews you are demonized, if you denounce the killing of innocents, they aren't innocents, they are future terrorists. Backing Israel is like backing the 2nd amendment, eventually it's gonna bite you in the ass.
arial Lavan 10 years ago
Thee is only one party responsible for human rights violations. Hamas has been sneaking into Israel and kidnapping Israeiis for years. They have been rocketing Israel for years. They have stated in their charter that they will annihilate Israel and kill Jews anywhere in the world in which they can find them. Hamas uses its own citizens as human shields. Just yesterday it executed 25 of its own citizens without trial. Israel has finally gone into Gaza to remove the rockets and the terror tunnels. Israel agreed to a series of humanitarian cease fires; Hamas agreed to none. Israel is a democracy; as such it has treated Gazan civilians in its hospitals, and provided Gaza with materials ( but not weapons). Gaza is not a democracy, but an island devoted to terror. The UN Human Rights Commission is dominated by tyrannies like Syria. Where are any objections to the fact that the Syrian government has killed 200,000 of its own citizens?
Donna Moriarty 10 years ago
The U.S. vote opposing investigation of possible human rights violations in Gaza is very disturbing. I continue to hope that my country (U.S) will put justice and right before a misplaced loyalty to Israel. It appears the truth is feared.

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