Gender Pay Gap Exists in Every U.S. Industry
Women make less than men for the same jobs in every U.S. industry, according to a new study.
Statistics released by PayScale, an online salary, benefits and compensation information company, show the gender pay gap ranges from 1.3% between women and men in the real estate industry to 5.4% in mining, quarrying, and oil and gas, even when controlled for factors such as job and tenure. Overall, the average woman will make just 79% of what a man does, according to a two-year survey of about 1.4 million full-time employees.
Tech is one area in which women’s pay approaches parity with men’s. “If a woman can get into the tech industry and stay there it is a kind of a meritocracy,” Aubrey Bach, senior editorial manager of PayScale, told Reuters. “You are going to be paid equally. Unfortunately when you look at the demographic very few women go into the tech industry, especially in technical roles, which are the most highly paid.”
PayScale also found that getting more education or being promoted still doesn’t level the playing field. From high school diplomas to PhDs, women earn less than men with the same amount of education. In fact, the gap widens at the highest end of the educational spectrum.
Similarly, the gap is bigger the higher women rise in management. Female executives make 6.1% less than male counterparts, but only 2.2% less at entry-level positions.
-Noel Brinkerhoff, Steve Straehley
To Learn More:
3 Depressing Findings from a Huge New Study of the Gender Pay Gap (by Bryce Covert, ThinkProgress)
U.S. Women Paid Less in All Industries, Every Level: Report (by Patricia Reaney, Reuters)
Inside the Gender Pay Gap (PayScale)
The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Fall 2015) (by Catherine Hill, Ph.D., American Association of University Women)
Wage Gap between Men and Women Drops to “Only 21%” (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)
Fatherhood Helps a Man’s Career; Motherhood Hurts a Woman’s (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)
Iceland Takes Gender Equality Lead; U.S. Falls to 31st (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)
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