Asbestos Found in Chinese-Made Crayons

Friday, July 10, 2015
(photo: Getty Images)

American children have been exposed to asbestos-containing crayons made in China, according to tests performed for an environmental group.


The Environmental Working Group Action Fund (EWG) says four brands of crayons, as well as two kinds of crime scene fingerprint kits made for kids, contain levels of asbestos, putting children who have used these products at risk with their health.


Laboratory testing commissioned by EWG showed the following products have asbestos, a carcinogen that kills up to 15,000 Americans each year:


Amscan Crayons       

Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse    

Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Crayons

Saban’s Power Rangers Super Megaforce    

EduScience Deluxe Forensics Lab Kit

Inside Intelligence Secret Spy Kit


The presence of asbestos in the crayons and kits is “scary,” according to EWG, because “a child exposed to asbestos is 3.5 [times] more likely than a 25-year-old to develop mesothelioma, a lung disease, that is only caused by asbestos, because of the long lag time between exposure and diagnosis.” EWG based this on information reported by the U.K. Committee on Carcinogenicity.


“In the case of the crime scene kits, people could inhale airborne asbestos fibers,” EWG warned, due to the fact the kits use powders that children are instructed to remove by blowing on it.


EWG said this is the third time in 15 years that asbestos has been found in these kinds of children’s products.

-Noel Brinkerhoff


To Learn More:

Tests Find Asbestos in Kids’ Crayons, Crime Scene Kits (Asbestos Nation)

Asbestos Found in Imported Crayons and Toy Fingerprint Kits (by Myron Levin and Stuart Silverstein, FAIR Warning)

Group Finds Asbestos In Children's Crayons, Toy Crime Lab Kits (by Liza Lucas, CNN)


JopinKlobe 9 years ago
With over 220 THOUSAND TONS of rancid, adulterated, meat uncovered in China in the last few months (some frozen over and over dating back to 1970), with chicken and seafood allowed to be sent to China for "processing" and then back to the US and the House passing a law against "Country of Origin" labeling ... why the neo-Cons don't have to work so hard at getting votes, they're just "thinning the numbers".
Roch 9 years ago
Thank you to PresReagan open China, to JobInsecurity-Green$pan/DeReg--an-dNordqui$t--DeTax--ruin america plan: it is working very well.

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