Obama Administration Puts Squeeze on Pakistan for More Traveler Information

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Tensions between the United States and Pakistan are growing over demands from Washington for Pakistani officials to turn over flight travel information to American counterterrorism operations.

Pakistan already provides the names of those flying to the U.S., but Washington also wants data on Pakistanis traveling to other countries in order to determine patterns that might indicate the passengers are potential terrorists or their supporters.
President Obama has told his top national security officials to get Pakistan to comply with the data request within the next few weeks. National Security Adviser James Jones and CIA director Leon Panetta have responded by telling their counterparts in Pakistan that their country’s relationship with the U.S. is at risk unless they cooperate.
Pakistan has fought the request on grounds that it is seen as an invasion of its citizens’ privacy.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
U.S. Presses Pakistan for More Data on Travelers (by Eric Schmitt, New York Times)


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