Mexico Replaces All Customs Agents

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Government leaders in Mexico moved to combat corruption and curb trafficking over the weekend by dumping all 700 of its customs inspectors and replacing them with newly-trained agents. The decision, which also doubled the number of customs agents in place at Mexican ports, airports and border crossings, is intended to stem the flow of guns, drugs, and expensive appliances that have been allowed until now to slip through checkpoints.

The new agents have reportedly undergone background checks and months of training. Some former employees may be permitted to reapply for their jobs if they meet newer, tougher standards.
In addition to curbing the narcotics and weapons trade that has fueled Mexico’s drug wars, the government hopes the expanded customs program will combat tax evasion by seizing legal goods that individuals smuggle into the country to avoid paying the value-added tax that’s supposed to be collected at customs.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Mexico Puts New Officers on the Job at Customs (by Marc Lacey, New York Times)


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