Scott Walker’s Office Unable to Provide Written Proof of his Communications with God

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, who often is mentioned as a potential Republican candidate for president, frequently discusses his evangelical faith in public and has gone so far as to imply that he talks to God.
But when asked by a member of an anti-religion group to show proof that Walker communicates with God, the governor’s office said it could not provide such documentation.
Edward Susterich, a Milwaukee resident who belongs to the Freedom from Religion Foundation, wrote an open records request to Walker’s office asking: “Since your terms as Governor, please provide a copy/transcript of all communications with God, the Lord, Christ, Jesus or any other form of deity.”
David J. Rabe, assistant legal counsel, responded to Susterich in a brief letter (pdf) stating: “Pursuant to the Public Records Law, we are responding to let you know that this office does not have records responsive to your request.”
“While it's on the record that the governor is communicating with higher powers like billionaire and political kingmaker Sheldon Adelson, that's where the paper trail ends,” wrote the Foundation on its website.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
To Learn More:
No Records of Walker Communication with Deity (Freedom from Religion Foundation)
Letter to Edward Susterich (Governor Scott Walker’s Office) (pdf)
Judge Tries to Order Destruction of Evidence in Campaign Corruption Investigation Relating to Wisconsin Gov. Walker (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)
God Endorsed 4 Losing Republican Presidential Candidates (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)
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