Arab Dictatorships Take 4 of Top 5 Spots in Purchase of U.S. Weapons and Services

Monday, December 28, 2009
Hosni Mubarak, dictator of Egypt

Most of the leading buyers of American military hardware in 2008 had two characteristics in common: they speak Arabic and their governments are opposed to democracy and basic freedoms. Information compiled by the Congressional Research Service revealed that the biggest recipients of U.S. arms sales last year were (in order): the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Iraq and Egypt. With the exception of the popularly-elected government in Baghdad, all of these American military partners are ruled by autocratic or theocratic regimes.

The leading defense contractors manufacturing the weapons for these governments are Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, and Raytheon.
Earlier this month, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of the potential for $2.2 billion of new weapons sales to Arab dictatorships, in particular $1.2 billion worth to Hosni Mubarak’s Egypt for air-to-surface missiles, anti-ship missiles, aircraft engines, and Fast Missile Crafts (FMC). The rest of the proposed weapons sales are for the royal families of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
-Noel Brinkerhoff, David Wallechinsky
U.S. Arms Sales: Agreements with and Deliveries to Major Clients, 2001-2008 (by Richard F. Grimmett, Congressional Research Service) (pdf)


quadrismegistus 14 years ago
and the other 1 out of 5? in fact, for 2005-2008, THE #1 "leading purchaser of US defense articles and services, for worldwide deliveries"? Israel.
WhoDat 15 years ago
Yup, that's right. Also keep in mind that their citizens are flooding into Western Societies and not integrating very well. Actually, Muslims are given preferential treatment when it comes to immigrating into America. Europe is gone, except as a geographical location. After Turkey is admitted to the EU the floodgates will swing wide for every dissatisfied hater of Western culture that can make the trip.
Anon314 15 years ago
At least they're antidemocratic, leaving the endorsement of basic freedoms an open option.

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