Is it Time for a Border Fence with Canada?

Monday, October 03, 2011
Undocumented immigrants from Canada approach U.S. border in Montana
Officials in the Customs and Border Protection service believe the United States has another border problem, this time with Canada. According to a U.S. government report, U.S. officers control only 31 miles of the almost 4000-mile border.
The agency is considering the building of fences and other barriers along America’s northern border to manage “trouble spots” where people can enter the country illegally. Also up for discussion (and contracting) is the use of radar, sensors, cameras, drones and vehicle scanners so border patrol officers can keep better watch.
Some Canadian politicians have blasted the ideas, calling them “stupid.
“The American people don’t see us as a threat,” Joe Comartin, a New Democrat justice critic, told the Canadian Press.
The U.S. is not considering hiring more personnel to guard the border because there have already been recent staff increases.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Why the New Security Zone along the Canadian Border? (by Michael Collins, The Money Party)
Blame Canada (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)


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