CIA Training Spies for Sudan’s Dictator

Friday, September 03, 2010
Omar al-Bashir

Accused of committing genocide against your own people? Officially branded as a terrorist state? Have you harbored Islamist radicals, including Osama bin Laden?

No problem, the CIA is willing to work with you.
Such is the case with the government of Sudan, the pariah of eastern Africa, which has been receiving intelligence training from CIA agents for years, going back to the Clinton years. The reason: To fight terrorism.
The same terrorists the Sudanese have aided in the past.
In 2005, the CIA flew Sudan’s head of its secret intelligence service, the NISS, to the U.S., even though the official was said to be “up to his butt in the genocide in Darfur,” according to one former intelligence officer who spoke with The Washington Post. According to Amnesty International, the NISS has engaged in extensive human rights violations that include torture, disappearances and unlawful killings. Sudan’s dictator, Omar al-Bashir, is the only ruling head of state to be charged with war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide by the International Criminal Court
The CIA’s dance-with-the-devil reminds some in Washington of the agency’s behavior during the Cold War, when it supported regimes with poor human rights records, such as South Africa and Chile, as long as they were on the side of the U.S.
-Noel Brinkerhoff


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