100 Senators: 0 African-Americans, 0 Mexican-Americans, 2 Asian-Americans from Hawaii

Wednesday, November 03, 2010
In the midst of the political upheaval resulting from the 2010 Congressional election, one aspect that may be overlooked is the extremely unrepresentative nature of the new Senate. Although African-Americans account for 12.9% of the U.S. population, there will be no African-Americans in the Senate. Three black Democrats ran in the South: Kendrick Meek of Florida, Michael Thurmond of Georgia, and Alvin Greene of South Carolina. All were defeated.
According to U.S. Census figures from 2009, 15.8% of Americans identify themselves as Hispanic or Latino. Mexican-Americans alone make up 10% of the U.S. population. However, the only Hispanic members of the Senate will be Cuban-Americans Bob Menendez of New Jersey and Marco Rubio of Florida.
Asian-Americans represent 5.2% of the population of the United States. The only Asian-American senators are from Hawaii. Daniel Inouye is Japanese-American and Daniel Akaka is Chinese-American.  Senator John Ensign of Nevada claims Asian-American heritage because his paternal grandfather, whom he has never met, was half Filipino.
More than half of American citizens are women; yet, at most, only 16 women will be seated in the new Senate.
-David Wallechinsky


Brian 14 years ago
Looks like some more diverse candidates need to step up to the plate, raise some money, relate to their neighbors, and win some elections--like the President did.

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