U.S. Taxpayers Lose $2 Billion as CIT Goes Bankrupt

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

News of CIT’s filing for bankruptcy won’t spoil Christmas for holiday-hungry retailers, but it will amount to an empty stocking for taxpayers. CIT provides short-term financing to small- and mid-sized businesses that manufacture and supply merchandise to U.S. retailers. The $2.3 billion that the federal government loaned to CIT last year as part of the rescue of troubled financial institutions is being written off by company executives who have no intention of paying back Uncle Sam while they reorganize. The Treasury Department, then under the leadership of outgoing secretary Henry Paulson, bailed out CIT because federal officials believed the lender could weather the bad economic times.

With most stores already stocked up for the coming holiday shopping season, the bankruptcy is not expected to impact the end-of-year supply needs of retailers.
“Most retailers have dodged a bullet,” Craig Shearman, a spokesman for the National Retail Federation, told Bloomberg News. “Most of the merchandise for the holiday season is at least in retailers’ distribution centers, if not already on the store shelves, and we’re not expecting to see any significant disruption for the remainder of the season.”
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Treasury Loses Out in CIT Bankruptcy (by Dan Freed, TheStreet.com)
Retailers ‘Dodge Bullet’ With CIT’s November Filing (by Allison Abell Schwartz, Bloomberg News)


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