Obama Orders Cabinet to Cut Budgets by 0.0001%

Thursday, April 23, 2009

President Barack Obama’s proclamation to his cabinet that they collectively cut out $100 million from the federal budget amounts to much ado about nothing, when the savings is put into perspective. Given the enormous size of the federal operating budget ($1 trillion), trimming a hundred mil amounts to a one-ten-thousandth reduction. For a family that spends $60,000 a year, it’s the equivalent of setting aside $6. For the Defense Department, it would mean building half of one F-22 fighter plane. In terms of foreign military aid, it would produce a savings of 4% of what the US gives out … to Israel. Republicans provided their own example: $100 million is comparable to the daily interest the U.S. government will have to pay over the next decade from February’s stimulus package.

-Noel Brinkerhoff
SPIN METER: Saving Federal Money the Easy Way (Andrew Taylor and Calvin Woodward, Associated Press)


GM West 15 years ago
Israel gives the U.S. far more than 3B which is used to purchase military equipment from us anyway... landing, refuling, fly-over rights. The Palestine Authority gets $14 B not to mention the other arab countries and what do they give us? Thinly disguised anti-Jewish jibe.

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