Majority in U.S. Want Capitalism Regulated, but Oppose Government Control of Industry

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

People across the globe are not happy with capitalism these days, favoring more government regulation and ownership of industries, according to a survey conducted by the BBC. Even in the United States, a majority of respondents (53%) expressed support for more reforms and government involvement—as long as it doesn’t extend into Washington taking over the means of production. Almost the same number (52%) said the government should be less involved in the ownership and control of major industries.

After compiling the 29,000 responses received from 27 countries, the BBC poll found only 11% believed capitalism is doing fine and should be left alone. Fifty-one percent favor regulation and reform.
In 15 of the nations surveyed, a majority of people favor government ownership of industries. Strong majorities were recorded in Russia (77%), Ukraine (75%), Brazil (64%), Indonesia (65%), and France (57%).
-Noel Brinkerhoff


Wingnut 14 years ago
Doesn't each USA dollar have no title of ownership, and has "federal reserve note" written atop? And doesn't the gov own the fed, whatever that means? So, the USA gov owns everything that was ever purchased using THEIR greenbacks/greenstamps. Or maybe the Colombian freemasons own the free marketeers pyramid scheme. I think that is a Colombian freemason pyramid scheme symbol on the back of the USA dollar... and the USA gov is in a "district of Colombia" and thus not really part of the USA. And I think a group called the Illuminati were involved somehow, too. Its probably all part of Bilderberg, these days. Generally speaking, AmWay stands for American Way. (Pyramid Schemes Are Us, Inc.) I wonder what man invented the man-made-up phenomena of "ownership". Not a single other living creature on the entire planet, does entitles of ownership, or money, or price-tagging, or time-carding, or ANYTHING "economic". Why do only capitalists... use economies/ownership? Why do they like rat-racing? Why do they think competition is healthy? How CAN it be, when its the opposite of cooperation? hmmm. Thanks for the interesting statistics, AllGov.

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