Pirate Success Rate Dips as Attempts Increase

Friday, September 04, 2009
Another Pirate caught stealing (AP Photo)

Since 2007, pirate attacks have increased off the Horn of Africa, one of the world’s most highly trafficked passageways, but their success rates have declined. In 2007, there were only 19 pirate attacks, but 63% were successful. The following year, the number of attempts jumped to 122, but the success rate dropped to 34%. So far in 2009, there have already been 138 pirate attacks, but only 24% have met with success.

The reduced success rate may be because amateurs, seeing the success of previous pirates, launch their own attacks, but they are less competent. In addition, the United States government, in conjunction with other nations and international organizations, has worked more aggressively to curb pirate activity. Some measures that have been taken include working with the commercial shipping industry to coordinate effective practices, using the Navy and the Coast Guard in counter-piracy operations, and bringing legal action against perpetrators.
-Jamie Mei Cheng, David Wallechinsky


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