Biofuel Backlash

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Rather than helping reduce global warming, biofuels may be exacerbating climate change and causing other environmental and social problems, according to a new study from Christian Aid, a British missionary organization. Researchers concluded that Western attempts to encourage the growing of biofuel crops, such as corn (maize) and palm oil, in Latin American countries can encourage deforestation, which results in greater concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Other problems arising from the push for biofuel crops include displacement of farmers from their land, labor violations on large plantations, and food price increases, especially in Central America.

Christian Aid does not entirely discourage the development of biofuels, but it does argue that its “production should be geared towards energy self-sufficiency” rather than on exporting energy for industrial markets.
-Noel Brinkerhoff


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