Unusual News

1345 to 1360 of about 1849 News
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Couple Sues Tennessee Restaurant after Son Hospitalized by “Mega Death Hot Sauce”

Tim and Mary Katharine Gann of Cleveland, Tennessee, are suing the restaurant chain Steak’n Shake for serving their son Caleb a bowl of chili mixed with Blair’s Mega Death Hot Sauce. Caleb’s parents claim their son suffered a “severe physical re...   read more

Oregon County to Stop Prosecuting Arrests for Heroin, Shoplifting, Hit and Run, Prostitution

Lacking the resources to prosecute due to budget cuts, District Attorney Mike Schrunk of Multnomah County, Oregon, says his office will no longer go after low-level drug offenders and thieves as well as other violators of the law.   People wil...   read more

FBI Demands Return of Spy Device Student Found on His Car

Yasir Afifi made quite the discovery when he took his car in for an oil change in Santa Clara, California. Attached to the bottom of his vehicle was a special tracking device from the FBI which did not tell the Muslim-American he was under surveil...   read more

Postal Workers Union Ballots Lost in Mail

The American Postal Workers Union, which represents employees of the U.S. Postal Service and is the world’s largest postal union, is taking longer than usual this year to choose their national officers. The election is conducted by mail, natural...   read more

Marines Refuse to Share Portable Toilets with Stewart and Colbert Rallies

When fans of Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert descend on Washington, DC, for joint October 30 rallies on the National Mall, they will find plenty of portable toilets in the area but no way to access them. That’s because the U.S. ...   read more

Border Fence is Good for the Environment: Leo Banks

Environmental groups like the Sierra Club might want to take a second look at the use of fences and barriers along the border between the U.S. and Mexico, writes journalist Leo Banks. The Sierra Club has been opposed to border fences, but the use ...   read more

Philippines Bill Criminalizes Improper Singing of National Anthem

The national anthem of the Philippines should be sung one way and one way only, according to some lawmakers. The country’s national legislature is considering a bill that would criminalize the “improper” singing of the national anthem, “Lupang H...   read more

Ban on Texting while Driving Leads to More Crashes, Not Less

Anti-texting laws don’t work, says the Highway Loss Data Institute, a research group funded by the automobile insurance industry. After reviewing accident reports from four states that outlawed sending text messages while driving, the institute ...   read more

Nickels and Pre-1982 Pennies are Worth More than Their Face Value

Thanks to rises in metal prices in recent years, nickels and some pennies are worth more than their face value. Nickels, which have been made up of 25% nickel and 75% copper since 1946, are today worth 5.9 cents apiece. But the real deal is with...   read more

Congress Passes Bill to Force Government Agencies to Use Plain Language in Public Documents

Jargon needs to go, says Congress, which adopted legislation this week requiring the federal government to use clear language in public documents.   Sponsored in the Senate by Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii) and George Voinovich (R-Ohio), the Plain Wr...   read more

Mexican City Aims to be First to Use Widespread Eye Scanning Technology

The future is now in León, Mexico, which plans to become the first city to rely on iris and face-scanning technologies for everything from crime fighting to banking. The city of approximately one million citizens has contracted with Global Rainm...   read more

Germany Finally Pays Off War Debt…From World War I

More than 90 years since the conclusion of fighting, Germany on October 3 will finally pay off the last of its reparations that were imposed by the Allies after World War I ended.   The 1919 Treaty of Versailles set the reparations, which went...   read more

Gettysburg Battle Monument May be Moved after Repeated Hits from Bad Drivers

Park officials in Pennsylvania are toying with the idea of moving a monument dedicated to the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg because motorists keep crashing into it. The memorial, known as the 74th Pennsylvania Monument, is situated only 10 feet from...   read more

Most Americans Wish U.S. was Like Sweden

Americans really want to live like they’re in Sweden, even if they don’t realize it.   Researchers from Harvard and Duke Universities surveyed a group of Americans on the subject of income inequality and found people’s preferred model of wealt...   read more

Texas Board of Education Attacks Non-Existent Pro-Islamic Textbooks

In an effort to remove what’s not really there, the Texas Board of Education wants to rid “pro-Islamic bias” from school textbooks that don’t contain such material.   “There’s a lot of people that think that, and I think rightfully so, that th...   read more

Blondes, God and the Meaning of Life

To commemorate its 10th anniversary in existence, the search engine Ask Jeeves, which is now known as Ask.com, has produced a top 10 of “unanswerables,” based on the frequency that visitors to the website have asked certain questions. After sort...   read more
1345 to 1360 of about 1849 News
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Unusual News

1345 to 1360 of about 1849 News
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Couple Sues Tennessee Restaurant after Son Hospitalized by “Mega Death Hot Sauce”

Tim and Mary Katharine Gann of Cleveland, Tennessee, are suing the restaurant chain Steak’n Shake for serving their son Caleb a bowl of chili mixed with Blair’s Mega Death Hot Sauce. Caleb’s parents claim their son suffered a “severe physical re...   read more

Oregon County to Stop Prosecuting Arrests for Heroin, Shoplifting, Hit and Run, Prostitution

Lacking the resources to prosecute due to budget cuts, District Attorney Mike Schrunk of Multnomah County, Oregon, says his office will no longer go after low-level drug offenders and thieves as well as other violators of the law.   People wil...   read more

FBI Demands Return of Spy Device Student Found on His Car

Yasir Afifi made quite the discovery when he took his car in for an oil change in Santa Clara, California. Attached to the bottom of his vehicle was a special tracking device from the FBI which did not tell the Muslim-American he was under surveil...   read more

Postal Workers Union Ballots Lost in Mail

The American Postal Workers Union, which represents employees of the U.S. Postal Service and is the world’s largest postal union, is taking longer than usual this year to choose their national officers. The election is conducted by mail, natural...   read more

Marines Refuse to Share Portable Toilets with Stewart and Colbert Rallies

When fans of Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert descend on Washington, DC, for joint October 30 rallies on the National Mall, they will find plenty of portable toilets in the area but no way to access them. That’s because the U.S. ...   read more

Border Fence is Good for the Environment: Leo Banks

Environmental groups like the Sierra Club might want to take a second look at the use of fences and barriers along the border between the U.S. and Mexico, writes journalist Leo Banks. The Sierra Club has been opposed to border fences, but the use ...   read more

Philippines Bill Criminalizes Improper Singing of National Anthem

The national anthem of the Philippines should be sung one way and one way only, according to some lawmakers. The country’s national legislature is considering a bill that would criminalize the “improper” singing of the national anthem, “Lupang H...   read more

Ban on Texting while Driving Leads to More Crashes, Not Less

Anti-texting laws don’t work, says the Highway Loss Data Institute, a research group funded by the automobile insurance industry. After reviewing accident reports from four states that outlawed sending text messages while driving, the institute ...   read more

Nickels and Pre-1982 Pennies are Worth More than Their Face Value

Thanks to rises in metal prices in recent years, nickels and some pennies are worth more than their face value. Nickels, which have been made up of 25% nickel and 75% copper since 1946, are today worth 5.9 cents apiece. But the real deal is with...   read more

Congress Passes Bill to Force Government Agencies to Use Plain Language in Public Documents

Jargon needs to go, says Congress, which adopted legislation this week requiring the federal government to use clear language in public documents.   Sponsored in the Senate by Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii) and George Voinovich (R-Ohio), the Plain Wr...   read more

Mexican City Aims to be First to Use Widespread Eye Scanning Technology

The future is now in León, Mexico, which plans to become the first city to rely on iris and face-scanning technologies for everything from crime fighting to banking. The city of approximately one million citizens has contracted with Global Rainm...   read more

Germany Finally Pays Off War Debt…From World War I

More than 90 years since the conclusion of fighting, Germany on October 3 will finally pay off the last of its reparations that were imposed by the Allies after World War I ended.   The 1919 Treaty of Versailles set the reparations, which went...   read more

Gettysburg Battle Monument May be Moved after Repeated Hits from Bad Drivers

Park officials in Pennsylvania are toying with the idea of moving a monument dedicated to the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg because motorists keep crashing into it. The memorial, known as the 74th Pennsylvania Monument, is situated only 10 feet from...   read more

Most Americans Wish U.S. was Like Sweden

Americans really want to live like they’re in Sweden, even if they don’t realize it.   Researchers from Harvard and Duke Universities surveyed a group of Americans on the subject of income inequality and found people’s preferred model of wealt...   read more

Texas Board of Education Attacks Non-Existent Pro-Islamic Textbooks

In an effort to remove what’s not really there, the Texas Board of Education wants to rid “pro-Islamic bias” from school textbooks that don’t contain such material.   “There’s a lot of people that think that, and I think rightfully so, that th...   read more

Blondes, God and the Meaning of Life

To commemorate its 10th anniversary in existence, the search engine Ask Jeeves, which is now known as Ask.com, has produced a top 10 of “unanswerables,” based on the frequency that visitors to the website have asked certain questions. After sort...   read more
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