Was Tammy Alois the Worst Police Detective Ever?

Saturday, January 10, 2015
Tammy Alois (photo: Jose Padron, FloridaBulldog.org)

The police work of a Coconut Creek, Florida, detective was so bad that it resulted in 82 criminal investigations being mishandled over a three-year period.


The failure of Tammy Kilgore Alois to fully investigate the crimes, many of which involved sexual offenses against children, from 2010 to 2012 prompted the Coconut Creek Police Department and the Broward State Attorney’s Office to look into Alois’ work. It was found that she failed to interview victims and witnesses, mishandled evidence and neglected to write reports or present cases to Broward County prosecutors, according to FloridaBulldog.org.


The department’s internal affairs division needed three officers to investigate the cases because of the volume of work. Most of the cases were never prosecuted because of the excessive time that had passed since the crimes had been committed. “To quickly state it, the parents and children no longer wanted to peel off the bandage and relive the nightmare,” Lt. Dominic Coppola, then head of the internal affairs division, said.


Alois was eventually fired in 2013, but for violating an agreement she had previously received in lieu of termination and for abusing prescription drugs, not directly for neglecting the cases.

-Noel Brinkerhoff


To Learn More:

Coconut Creek Police Botched 82 Child Rape and Other Cases; Dashed Hopes For Justice (by Dan Christensen, FloridaBulldog.org)


Inquiring Minds 10 years ago
Funny how the above poster says that the story posted in untrue. LOL. Were there 81 cases and not 82? I mean, political bolstering has nothing to do with this woman not doing her job. She admitted to mishandling "numerous" cases and you're alleging that she was a pawn to get rid of the chief. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. An imagination uncontained is an imagination that will run wild as flying pigs. I did a little research of my own, and I know where she currently works. I even did a bit of research on that agency. Still being entrusted to handle case sensitive cases, I see. Oh, boy! Who will take the political fall when everything goes down the drain there! (I'm waiting)
story is untrue 10 years ago
Just so you are aware. This story is full of lies. There were never 82 cases not investigated. This is a bunch of political bolstering. She was a pawn used by the city officials in an attempt to get rid of the chief. The truth about what happened is coming out. The lies, corruption, favoritism is about to be brought out by her attorneys

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