Pages from Oldest Bible Found in Egypt

Monday, September 07, 2009
Codex Sinaiticus (photo: British Library)

PhD student Nikolas Sarris was reviewing digital reproductions of ancient manuscripts in Egypt’s St. Catherine’s Monastery when he made a startling discovery: a fragment of the world’s oldest Bible hidden beneath the binding of an 18th-century book. The antique parchment turned out to be part of the Codex Sinaiticus, a Greek-language version of the Bible written more 1,600 years ago. Portions of the Codex, the earliest known version of the Bible, are kept at four institutions around the world: The British Library, the National Library of Russia, St. Catharine’s Monastery and the Leipzig University Library. It was only this year that academics from the four repositories worked together to put the entire Codex online.

-Noel Brinkerhoff


JORGE R, SUAREZ P. 14 years ago
Saludos, he estado revisando acerca de la Biblia de este códice Y también la del códice vaticannus, que es algo excelente, desde Cualquier Punto de Vista, como hallazgo paleográfico, bibliotecológico, arqueológico o como QUIERAN llamarlo, el problema es que estas MISMAS No tienen traducciones al castellano, y espero que lo Hagan para el Disfrute de muchisimas personas, gracias desde Venezuela, Puerto Ordaz.

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