Georgia Legislator Who Wants Welfare Recipients Drug Tested is Arrested for Drunk Driving

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Kip Smith
Republican legislator Kip Smith of Georgia, a strong supporter of drug testing for welfare recipients, was arrested late last week for driving under the influence.
According to local police, Smith's blood-alcohol level was .091. The state's legal limit is .08. One of the officers who arrested him said that Smith “seemed to be having a difficult time understanding what I was trying to explain to him,” and that he failed the “walk-and-turn” “one-leg-stand” tests.
Smith is a sponsor of House Bill 464, which would require anyone applying for or already on welfare to submit to drug testing. In response to this bill, Democratic legislator Scott Holcomb has introduced another bill that would require drug testing of public officials, including Smith, because, like welfare recipients, they receive state funding.
-David Wallechinsky, Noel Brinkerhoff
State Rep. Kip Smith Charged with DUI in Buckhead (by Christopher Seward, Atlanta Constitution-Journal)

GA Politician Supports Drug Testing For Welfare Recipients, Also Charged With DUI (by Jonathan Moormann, Ology) 


jimjam 12 years ago
bfd. so he was eleven hundredths over the mandated amount we can legally consume. i suppose the police state will now send him to afganistan to be tortured under the new unlimited detention program. that should teach him a lesson not to challenge the welfare-warfare state.
Tex 12 years ago
Jewell Howard 12 years ago
the same consequences he is suggesting for welfare recipients should be meted to him. he should want to be an example!

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