Doctor Arrested as Peeping Tom for Looking out of His Own Window

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Dr. Howard Weinblatt
In an unusual case, a doctor in Ann Arbor, Michigan, has been arrested for an act of sexual voyeurism he allegedly committed from his own home.
Pediatrician Howard Weinblatt was charged on November 23 with four counts of spying on an unclothed person and two counts of window peeping, all of which occurred while he was in his bathroom. The victim was Weinblatt’s 12-year-old female neighbor whom he observed changing her clothes in her bedroom. The criminal complaint against Weinblatt asserts that the girl had a “reasonable expectation of privacy.”
Media accounts say Weinblatt, who is the girl’s doctor, appeared to be masturbating at the time of his alleged crimes, according to video recorded by the girl’s mother.
State medical regulators are allowing Weinblatt to keep his license until the criminal matter is resolved. The doctor has taken a leave of absence from the facility where he practices. He is scheduled for a preliminary hearing on January 4.
-Noel Brinkerhoff

Brian Dickerson: If the Blinds Were Open, Was It a Crime to Look? (by Brian Dickerson, Detroit Free Press) 


John 12 years ago
eh!! the mother was filming him while masturbating in his bathroom and he gets arrested! what about her... or is it ok for women to film men doing private things in their own homes. by rights she should be arrested as well and charged.

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