Clone-Yourself Robots Available in Japan

Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Actroid Robot (L) with Creator Hiroshi Ishiguro

For those people who wish they could be in two places at the same time, and have a couple hundred thousand dollars to blow, Japan has the Actroid to offer. Manufactured by Kokoro, Actroids are doppelganger robots made to look and behave similarly to an actual person. For 20 million yen (about $220,000), a person can have their very own Actroid that can mimic their face, body, movements, and speech. Kokoro is currently planning to build only two new Actroids, so get your order in soon. A female Actroid is already available for rental.

-Noel Brinkerhoff
Robot Look Alikes Go On Sale in Japan (by Aaron Saenz, Singularity Hub)


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