Black Americans Twice More Likely to Pray at Bedtime than Whites

Sunday, June 06, 2010
(painting: Sterling Brown)

A study of sleep behaviors by various demographic groups has found distinct differences in bedtime patterns, according to the National Sleep Foundation’s 2010 Sleep in America Poll.

For instance, African-Americans are more likely to pray or perform other religious activity (71%) before going to bed each night than Hispanics (45%), Whites (32%) and Asians (18%).
Ten percent of African-Americans and Hispanics reported they were more likely to have sex every night or almost every night one hour before bedtime. Only 4% of Whites and 1% Asians provided the same answer.
Asians, though, were more likely to use a computer or the Internet at least a few nights a week before going to bed than other groups (72% vs. 45% Whites, 43% Blacks/African-Americans and 41% Hispanics).
Also, Asians are the least likely to drink alcohol within one hour of sleeping at least a few nights a week (3% vs. 7% Hispanics, 8% Whites, and 8% African-Americans).
-Noel Brinkerhoff


Babs 13 years ago
Well said, Mervin!
Mervin 14 years ago
What a prejorative comment you made Dennis. You may need to clearly define what "less" is in your statement. It is obvious that you are "less" of a man to make such a scathing comment. Then again, one should spend "less" time being concerned with individuals who "think" they have profound insight and innate superiority. Without a doubt, you are exactly the type of person that needs prayer. Now that is ironic, huh!
Dennis 14 years ago
Ironic huh, It seems the more one prays, the less they have. Pray less and think more seems to be the answer.

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