Another Reason to Avoid Cocaine

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Americans who use cocaine have a one-in-three chance of snorting the drug laced with Levamisole, a potent medication used to de-worm cattle. Officials with the Drug Enforcement Administration say Colombian drug smugglers have been adding Levamisole to cocaine shipped to the U.S. since last year in order to enhance the drug’s effects. Although it has been prescribed by doctors to help those diagnosed with colon cancer, Levamisole can weaken the immune system and leave patients vulnerable to fatal infections. Cocaine laced with the medication has killed at least three people in the U.S. and Canada and sickened more than 100 others, according to the DEA.

-Noel Brinkerhoff


Joel 14 years ago
Its about time for the U.S. to consider a different drug policy other than complete and utter prohibition of SOME drugs. Make drugs (yes all drugs) available to responsible adults over 21+ in licensed shops and hold the products to the same safety standards as Alcohol and Tobacco. Doing this would eliminate any drugs being contaminated by levamisole, brick dust, concrete or other chemicals that are more harmful than the substance by itself. Its the only humane way - harm reduction. The cartels only care about money - they would lace these drugs with rat poison if they thought it would increase their profits.

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