Tennessee Bill Would Forbid Schools Mentioning Homosexuality until 9th Grade

Sunday, May 22, 2011
(graphic: Tennessee Guerilla Women)
By a 20-10 vote, the Tennessee Senate has adopted legislation that forbids public school teachers and students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade from teaching about the existence of homosexuality, although talking about heterosexuality is okay.
Sponsored by Sen. Stacey Campfield of Knoxville, Senate Bill 49 has been ridiculed as the “don’t say gay bill” by opponents. The bill originally stated that “no public elementary or middle school shall provide any instruction or material that discusses sexual orientation other than heterosexuality.” Under pressure from colleagues, Campfield amended the bill to only apply to prepared materials and instruction, which means that teachers will be allowed to respond if a student asks about homosexuality.
The ban will not have a chance to become law this year, as the Tennessee House does not plan to bring it up before adjourning for the year. If it does become law, teachers who bring up the subject of homosexuality would be subject to a $50 fine and up to 30 days in jail.
Critics say the bill is unfair to the children of gay parents and may inadvertently cause more bullying of homosexuals in schools.
-David Wallechinsky, Noel Brinkerhoff
“Don't Say Gay” bill clears TN Senate (by Chas Sisk, Asheville Citizen-Times)
Say No to the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill (by Sean Price, Teaching Tolerance)
Senate Bill 49 (old Version) (pdf)


Steve 13 years ago
the great state of tennessee has shown once again that it is the state of bigotry and hate. sensible teachers present only age-appropriate materials, and their professional associations and peers provide any needed normative control. the real purpose of this bill has nothing to do with what the teachers may teach or what the kids may learn. the real purpose of this bill was a simple expression of bigotry.

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