Revolving Door, Postal Service Edition

Sunday, September 26, 2010
The U.S. Postal Service, facing a $230 billion deficit over the next decade, has been giving out contracts to former top executives and employees who in some cases have earned twice what they made while working for the federal government.
Since 1991, the Postal Service has awarded 2,788 contracts to ex-employees. Within just three years (2006-2009) it gave out 17 no-bid deals to former executives who made six-figure sums, including one who received $260,000 to train his successor just two months after retiring.
The news follows a report issued in June from the Postal Service’s inspector general, who found that a former top marketing executive, Robert Bernstock, had repeatedly used government staff and contractors he had hired to manage his personal finances and outside business interests.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Report of Investigation (Inspector General, U.S. Postal Service) (pdf)


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