No to Single-Payer Health Care: Ed Feulner

Friday, May 08, 2009

The United States would be making a huge mistake if it adopted a universal health care system like that in Canada, argues Ed Feulner, president of The Heritage Foundation. There are numerous examples of why the Canadian model doesn’t work, demonstrating the need for Congress to move in a different direction to resolve the nation’s health care problem.

First, the Canadian troubles: 750,000 citizens north of the U.S. are currently on waiting lists for medical procedures, according to Sally Pipes, president of the Pacific Research Institute and a former Canadian citizen. Plus, 10% of the Canadian population (3.2 million) is waiting just to see their primary-care physician, and if they need to see a specialist, Canadians must wait an average of 17.3 weeks. This situation exists because the Canadian government controls costs by rationing care, causing long waits and a lack of medical equipment in some areas.
Feulner cites the ordeal many Canadians have endured under the single-payer model. A 67-year-old woman diagnosed with cancer had to wait months before seeing her oncologist. A Member of Parliament, Belinda Stronach, traveled to California to get her cancer treatment instead of relying on the system she strongly supports. A Calgary woman had to be flown to Great Falls, MT, to deliver her quadruplets because the “relatively small American city had better facilities than any hospital in the wealthy province of Alberta,” says Feulner.
Instead of copying Canada, “We’d be better off changing how the federal tax code treats health insurance,” Feulner insists. “Such a change would foster genuine competition among insurers by allowing Americans to shop for the coverage that suits them best in an open market.”
-Noel Brinkerhoff
A Cure Worse Than The Disease (by Ed Feulner, CNS News)


doctoraaron 15 years ago
The Canadian Health Services Research Foundation does real research, not just reporting of meaningless isolated anecdotes, about the successes and failures of the Canadian health system. Read here: to see the truth about Canadian health care.
spooky locust 15 years ago
Please understand what Brinkenhoff is really saying with his lame statistical argument. He states that 750,000 Canadian (2% of the population) is on waiting list for free treatment. Concurrently, 100 million ( ~30%) Americans have no health care at all. Go figure which is the better system?
Jonathan Link 15 years ago
Instead of listening to "experts" from the health insurance industry, lobbyists, the government, or even Michael Moore, why not call an average Canadian and find out for yourself? Substitute your area code for a Canadian one listed below and call your own phone number. Introduce yourself and ask.
Matt 15 years ago there's a little more to the story than you indicate.

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