Minority Youth More Likely to be Asked for ID When Voting than Whites

Friday, March 15, 2013
Showing voter ID in South Carolina (AP Photo)

In an era when voter ID laws have become popular in many states, a new study shows that minority youths (age 18-29) are more often singled out for identification than young white Americans.


The study, coauthored by Cathy J. Cohen of the University of Chicago and Jon C. Rogowski of Washington University in St. Louis, found that 72.9% of black youth were asked for ID, compared with 60.8% of young Latinos and 50.8% of young whites.


Among youths in states with no voter ID laws, blacks were still disproportionately affected (65.5%), compared with 55.3% of Latino youth and 42.8% of white youth.


Blacks and Latinos were also more disinclined than whites to not vote because of voter ID requirements. More than 17% of black youth and 8.1% of Latino youth said not having the proper ID kept them from voting, compared with just 4.7% of white youth.


In the 2012 presidential elections, 93% of black voters voted for Barack Obama, as id 71% of Latino voters and 60% of voters aged 18-29.

-Noel Brinkerhoff


To Learn More:

Study Finds Voter ID Laws Hurt Young Minorities (by Emily Schultheis, Politico)

Commentary: Voter-ID Study Confirms What We Knew All Along (by Cord Jefferson, BET)

Investigation Turns Up Only 10 Cases of Voter Impersonation Nationwide…in 10 Years (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)


yarply 12 years ago
Why should English speaking white people (some whose ancestors lived in this country since before its founding) have to prove they have a right, but not an obligation to vote. The qualifier for voting should just be based on speech. If you can converse in true English, not some broken gutter talk, then you can vote.

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