FBI Paid Ex-Con $177,000 to Entrap Muslims

Thursday, December 09, 2010
Craig Monteilh (photo: OC Weekly)
In exchange for paying informant Craig Monteilh $177,000 to infiltrate Muslim communities, the FBI got little to show, except for embarrassment.
Monteilh, a convicted forger of banks notes, was hired by federal law enforcement to spy on Muslims in Southern California and, he says, entrap them on charges of terrorism. But the FBI didn’t rack up a lot of convictions from Monteilh’s handiwork. As a matter of fact, it was Monteilh who wound up being served—after his talk of violent jihad resulted in his fellow Mosque members filing a restraining order against him.
Jerry Markon of the The Washington Post writes: “Compounding the damage, Monteilh has gone public, revealing secret FBI methods and charging that his ‘handlers’ trained him to entrap Muslims as he infiltrated their mosques, homes and businesses. He is now suing the FBI.”
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Mosque Infiltration Feeds Muslims' Distrust of FBI (by Jerry Markon, Washington Post)


Bill Anderson 13 years ago
Thanks for reporting "everything our government really does". There is not a newspaper in the US that does that. My experience with the FBI is not as an informant, but rather as a target. Since moving to the Boston area in May 2001, the FBI has had employers fire me from all 5 jobs I have held. In a further attempt to get me to leave, they have banned me from 9 public places. When Norwood officer Flaherty banned me from the Norwood library, he admitted to me the police were behind the daily harassment of me and challenged me to do something about it. Although I have a Masters degree and no criminal record, I have now been homeless, living in my car on Western Av in Brighton MA since Oct 2007. Boston police have visited me 6 times there sitting or sleeping in my car (twice at 2:30am). Officer Law said if I did not leave the area I would get a good beating. Another officer followed me into the McDonalds restroom and challenged me to fight. He didn't give his last name, and a partner he was later paired with (Broussard)also refused to identify him. Randolph officer Ford actually told me his name was Marquis in an attempt to conceal his part in a planned assault (not the only one) that took place in the Randolph library in 2008. The FBI has hacked into my email account (soxin8@hotmail.com) and has sent over 1000 spam messages to people on my contact list. They have also been successful at keeping all media, rights groups, and others from reporting their criminal activity or helping me in any way. I would send anyone interested more details if I received an email from you, however I have never received a message from anyone willing to help. How can the FBI carry out planned assaults and order everyone to cover them up and how can they keep someone from obtaining legal help to oppose them? Please tell others about this email after reading it and please call media and civil liberties groups (I've called them all)and ask why these crimes are being covered up. Thanks. Bill Anderson

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