DEA Operatives Accused of Secretly Operating New Jersey Strip Club

Friday, May 22, 2015
(AP photo)

Two longtime Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) employees have been found to be operating a strip club in New Jersey.


Like other DEA employees, Glen Glover and David Polos were required to disclose any outside employment as part of their work and having a government security clearance. But neither revealed on a national-security form that they owned and operated the

Twins Plus Go-Go Lounge in South Hackensack, which featured “scantily clad and sometimes topless women,” according to the criminal complaint filed against them. Had they told superiors about the strip club, they likely would have lost their security clearance and, thus, their jobs.


Polos spent 24 years with the DEA, most recently as assistant special agent-in-charge of a joint task force that targets illegal narcotics suppliers and distributors before leaving the agency on April 18. Glover, a telecommunications specialist who has spent 17 years with the DEA, is still employed for now. Glover bought Twins Plus in 2010 and Polos became a part owner through a $50,000 investment in the club.


“Most of the dancers at Twins Plus were undocumented immigrants from Brazil or Russia,” The Wall Street Journal reported. “One dancer interviewed by federal agents said the club’s owners allowed her to work double shifts because they knew she needed money to pay back the smugglers who arranged for her illegal entry from Brazil to the U.S.”


Glover and Polos were active participants in the management of the club, exchanging texts concerning beer coolers and the condition of the room reserved for lap dances. When they weren’t on-site, they monitored the club via computer and smartphone.


Polos and Glover face up to five years in prison for lying to the DEA.

-Noel Brinkerhoff


To Learn More:

Two DEA Agents Accused of Lying About Managing Strip Club (by Nicole Hong, Wall Street Journal)

DEA Agents Illegally Ran Twins Plus Go-Go Lounge Strip Club in New Jersey: Prosecutors (by Stephen Rex Brown, New York Daily News)

2 D.E.A. Workers Are Accused of Secretly Running Strip Club (by Benjamin Weiser and William K. Rashbaum, New York Times)

Bush-Era Drug Enforcement Agents Held Sex Parties Funded by Colombian Drug Cartels (by Noel Brinkerhoff and Steve Straehley, AllGov)

Law Enforcement Officers and DEA Agents Jump Ship to Consult Marijuana Industry (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)


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