Congress Handing Big Victory to GE and Drug Firms over Small Inventors and Silicon Valley

Thursday, April 14, 2011
America’s patent system has always been based on the first-to-invent principle, meaning whoever creates something new gets the right to sell it and profit from their work. Now, Congress is seriously considering replacing this historical system with a first-to-file one that favors not the inventor, but anyone with money.
Pushing this dramatic change are corporations like Intel, GE, Dell, Motorola and GlaxoSmithKline, who argue that a first-to-file system will reduce litigation over who should own the patent on new inventions.
The proposal cleared the Senate 95-5, but now faces a tough fight in the House, where a diverse coalition ranging from small inventors to Silicon Valley entrepreneurs to The American Conservative Union and the Gun Owners of America are working to defeat the legislation.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
A Patent Failure (by Sandy Rios, Daily Caller)


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