Chamber of Commerce Loses Members over Climate Change Denial

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The nation’s most powerful business lobby recently called for a “Scopes monkey trial of the 21st century” on the science of climate change, presumably to prove that the outcry over global warming has been exaggerated. This remark did not sit well with some large utility companies that are willing to compromise on the issue, prompting them to pull out of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. First to go were PG&E in California and PNM in New Mexico. On Monday, Exelon of Chicago announced it too was leaving the Chamber over the lobby’s opposition to climate change legislation currently under consideration in Congress.

“The carbon-based free lunch is over,” said John W. Rowe, Exelon’s chief executive. “Breakthroughs on climate change and improving our society’s energy efficiency are within reach.”

Observers pointed out that it’s easier for Exelon to embrace legislation designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions because the utility is largely dependent on nuclear power, which emits little carbon dioxide.
                                                                                                                                                     -Noel Brinkerhoff

Exelon to Quit Chamber Over Climate Bill (by Clifford Krauss and Kate Galbraith, New York Times)
Out the Door: Exelon Leaves Chamber of Commerce over Climate Policy (by Keith Johnson, Wall Street Journal)


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