Buried Sentence in Energy Bill Helps Ford, GM and Chrysler

Monday, July 27, 2009

Congressman Larry Kissell’s (D-NC) latest “Buy America” tactic has provoked anger from representatives of the European Union over a one-line amendment that requires the federal government to buy automobiles only from the Big Three car manufacturers. The stipulation, added by Kissell to the Energy and Water Appropriations bill, states that “none of the funds made available in this Act may be used to purchase passenger motor vehicles other than those manufactured by Ford, General Motors or Chrysler.” The amendment cuts out smaller U.S. car manufacturers.

Earlier this year Kissell pushed through an amendment to the $787 billion economic stimulus package requiring uniforms worn by Transportation Security Administration employees be made in the United States.
European Union Ambassador John Bruton called the auto provision a “troubling protectionist” maneuver that could get the U.S. into trouble with the World Trade Organization. “It would send the wrong signal to all producers worldwide, which in turn could lead to similar protectionist measures adopted by other countries, hurting U.S. exports and delivering another blow to world trade at this critical juncture for the economy,” Bruton said.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Buy America Provision Triggers Rebuke (by Peter Cohn, CongressDaily)


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