Equatorial Guinea’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Miguel Ntutumu Evuna Andeme?

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Miguel Ntutumu Evuna Andeme presented his credentials as Equatorial Guinea’s ambassador to the United States to President Barack Obama on February 23, 2015. It’s the first diplomatic post for Evuna Andeme.


Evuna Andeme attended La Roche College in Pittsburgh, graduating in 2003. He was at La Roche in its Pacem in Terris Institute program, which brings students from war-torn and developing nations to study at the college. Pacem in Terris students are supposed to promise to return to their homelands upon completion of their studies to work for peace and prosperity in their regions.


Evuna Andeme returned to Equatorial Guinea to work as a procurement and contracts advisor for oil giant Hess. Oil wealth has enriched the elite in Equatorial Guinea, but little of that money has flowed to ordinary citizens. Evuna Andeme is not an ordinary citizen; his father, Alejandro Evuna Asangono Owono, is minister of state and his sister, Mari-Cruz Evuna Andeme, is ambassador to the United Kingdom. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo is the president of the country and his government is known as one of the most repressive in the world.


Evuna Andeme left Hess to become director general for administrative affairs for the office of the president and later general director of the Cabinet Department of Missions. There he prepared speeches and correspondence for the president.


Evuna Andeme and his wife, Purificacion, who is a 2004 La Roche graduate, have five children, Alejandro, Alma de Miguel, Julia, Cirilo and Maria Jesus.

-Steve Straehley


To Learn More:

Official Biography


jose miguel ripeu sepa 8 years ago
Gracias hermano por tu nombramiento.
Marilyn 9 years ago
Congratulations to this young man. Why is it necessary to include the reputation of his President while celebrating this young man's success. Did not the elite in the U.S. take care to secure stability for their relatives while building a nation? Who and what peoples were left behind while the U.S. elite were growing a nation? Let's not throw stones but celebrate the positive while educating to reduce the negative.

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