Senate Bill Would Fine Those without Health Insurance

Saturday, July 04, 2009

As part of the government’s effort to create universal health care, Americans who don’t purchase medical insurance coverage would be fined more than $1,000 under a plan currently in the U.S. Senate. Similar to laws requiring motorists to carry auto insurance or else face financial penalties, the creation of “shared responsibility payments” is being touted by Democrats as a way to help make sure all Americans have health insurance. The fines could raise as much as $36 billion over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Using the model established by the Massachusetts legislature for that state’s health care reform, the penalties would amount to about $1,000 a year for individuals and even more for families that refuse to get coverage. Senate aides say the plan would include subsidies for the poor and many middle-class families, but declined to say just how much it would cost to purchase health insurance under the new system.
The Associated Press reported employer-provided coverage in 2008 averaged $12,680 a year for families and $4,704 for individuals, based on data from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
-Noel Brinkerhoff


Evan 14 years ago
They want to fine people who don't need health insurance in order to force them to buy it. Not everyone who doesn't have it can't afford it, but that is the case for a lot of people probably. The people who don't need it, though will be paying the highest cost of all. Forced to pay a tax for the privilege of living. Just because they breath they have to pay protection money to the insurance companies. We are destined to try our best as a nation to increase the burden on the young or healthy until the entire system collapses. The unhealthy/old will always be able to vote, and they are just fine with forcing everybody to increase their own burden by subsidizing the lives of more and more people making more and more people want to vote for more subsidizing and so on. This will end in a collapse. It has to happen. It will happen. It is obvious and inevitable. People will live older since they don't have to work, and the burden they place on the young will hurt the young even more making them need more medical care and increasing the burden in even more ways. These politicians do not look past the old people who vote en-masse. The only thing that can stop this will be constitutional protections from this kind of thievery. Perhaps they will be put in place after the collapse. I'm not advocating a collapse, far from it. It is, however, inevitable and obvious.
Incensed in Blairsville 14 years ago
Fining people who can't afford health insurance? Are these people out of their minds? Obviously, if you can't afford health insurance it's because it's too expensive. As it is, millions in this oountry (while paying taxes to support a very expensive war in another country) are forced to prioritize their spending for things like the necessities of every day life - food, rent, utilities, etc. The day that a law is made in this country to force people to buy health insurance is THE day that Big Brother moves in. There is strength in solidarity on this issue. I say - no way. What can you do? Vote to fire the politicians in your state that want to make such nonsense a reality.

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