Senator Opposes Health Care Earmarks…Except for his Own State; Anti-Health Care Rep. Wants Health Care

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sen. John Ensign
Demonstrating do-as-I-say, not-as-I-do is still alive and well in Washington, two Republican lawmakers have publicly bashed programs that they regard differently when it comes to their own benefit.
In the Senate, John Ensign of Nevada voted against the health care overhaul and he has been part of a GOP chorus calling for the end of earmarks, those special budget items used by Congress to help finance projects back home. But Ensign was happy to capture a $960,000 earmark for the University of Nevada to fund a primary care residency expansion program.
In the House, newly-elected Andy Harris of Maryland wasted no time after showing up on Capitol Hill to get his government-subsidized health care plan going. This is the same conservative Republican who railed against the federal health care reform law passed by Democrats.
Furthermore, Harris was beside himself when he learned his health coverage wouldn’t take effect until a month after he’s sworn into office on January 3. He howled over his gap in coverage, lamenting: “This is the only employer I’ve ever worked for where you don’t get coverage the first day you are employed,” his spokeswoman Anna Nix told Politico.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
GOP Frosh: Where's My Health Care? (by Glen Thrush, Politico)


Nico 13 years ago
boo hoo, mr. Senator, you've never had a job where healthcare doesn't start on the first day??? Welcome to the world YOU WANTED!!! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps you lazy welfare queen!!
compuntains 13 years ago
He has always come into jobs at the top. How many of us have had to work for several months before healthcare benefits became available. Totally out of touch with how most of us live. He has live a very elite and sheltered life.

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