Investigation Turns Up Only 10 Cases of Voter Impersonation Nationwide…in 10 Years

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
(photo-Violet Patch of South Florida)
Voter impersonation, the reason why more than half of all U.S. states have adopted or considered voter identification laws, is virtually non-existent, according to an investigative news study.
After examining 2,068 cases of voter fraud since 2000, News21, a Carnegie-Knight investigative reporting project, found only 10 cases involving in-person voter impersonation.
That’s 10 cases out of 146 million registered voters, or one for every 15 million prospective voters.
And yet 37 states have enacted or deliberated on voter ID laws that require individuals to produce photo identification at polling places in order to cast their ballots.
“Voter fraud at the polls is an insignificant aspect of American elections,” David Schultz, professor of public policy at Hamline University School of Business in St. Paul, Minnesota, told News21. “There is absolutely no evidence that [voter impersonation fraud] has affected the outcome of any election in the United States, at least any recent election in the United States.”
The investigation found more fraud cases with absentee ballots (491) and voter registration (400), neither of which can be prevented by voter ID laws.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
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Akira 11 years ago
Sam,This book is very timely and I hope she rasies a lot of money for this effort. Pennsylvanian Republicans are pushing a Photo ID to vote in the state. Naturally, several papers are whining about this effort with claims that voter fraud is non-existent in PA, as if in the cities the Dems have any interest in combating it. Also, whining that Republicans depend on low voter turnout, isn't it about time they put that tired old rant out to pasture.
compuable 11 years ago
photo ids for non-citizens we should offer their parents more assistance in obtaining id - if they do not currently have one - for themselves and their children. it is an undisputable it fact that many, many poor, minorities (and also 'senior' not-yet-citizens) do not have; and therefore cannot produce even a basic photo id, which is a very bad thing indeed. i believe that - as a society - we are we should also be very concerned about as well as possibly come to offer some more assistance to just about 'anyone' out there who does not actually have either the knowledge, financial means or the wherewithal to be able to apply for, keep and carry around a basic photo id in the first place. one cannot even accomplish even very basic undertakings in our modern society; such as enter a bank and open an account or cash a check, apply for a lease, register your children for school, apply for needed senior-related financial and medical government benefits and literally dozens of other basic things in the modern world without being able to produce a current (as well a legitimate) photo id. not having an id can severely jeopardize a person's ability to do many of these things - not to mention not being able to cast a ballot in states that require a citizen produce one beforehand. therefore i think it would also be more prudent to place more of the emphasis on offering more assistance to these fine folks; as well as addressing their voting requirements. however, i entirely agree that these laws are being enacted by those who have absolutely no concern why the people have no id at all; and that they are being entirely disingenuous, regarding fantasy claims of the possibility of rampant 'multiple voter' fraud.

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