Kansas Relents and Allows a Single Abortion Provider in the State, but That’s Not Good Enough for the Judge

Monday, July 04, 2011

State health officials in Kansas blinked this week and granted a license to Planned Parenthood to perform abortions, avoiding becoming the only state in the nation without a single provider of the controversial medical procedure. But a federal judge stepped in on Friday and blocked the state from enforcing its new regulations.

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment issued rules on June 17 that mandated a series of new requirements for clinics offering abortions. Providers had to comply with the new rules in order to obtain a license to perform abortions.
The regulations stipulated what drugs and equipment providers must stock, set acceptable temperatures for procedures and recovery rooms and required minimum sizes for some rooms.
Abortion-rights advocates called the new rules and licensing process a “sham” because the law mandating the changes was pushed by Governor Sam Brownback and other GOP anti-abortion politicians in the state legislature.
At one point this week it appeared Planned Parenthood would have to stop performing abortions because the state denied it a license. The group then filed a lawsuit to block the new licensing rules, and it was only after that action that the state relented and granted the license.
Two other abortion providers were left without a license, prompting the father-daughter owners of the Overland Park medical clinic to file their own lawsuit against the state.
U.S. District Judge Carlos Murguia’s injunction, which is in response to the Overland Park lawsuit, will stay in effect until a trial is held. Murguia said evidence showed the providers would be harmed through the loss of business and patients. He also said that at least two women currently seeking abortions would be harmed by being denied the provider of their choice.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Kansas Abortion Rules Blocked by Federal Judge (by John Hanna, Associated Press)

Overland Park Clinic Owners Sue over Kansas Abortion Regulations (by David Twiddy, Kansas City Business Journal)




galerouth 12 years ago
when will these pro-life schizophrenic fascists understand that: abortion is a civil and constitutional right supported by the rights to privacy, the equal protection clause of 14th amendment, and the 13th amendment. no human has a right to life or any due process rights by the 14th amendment to use another human's body or body parts against their will, civil and constituti­onal rights. that's why you are not force to donate your kidney---the human fetus is no exception the human fetus has no legal right to life consensual sex =/= a legal, binding contract for an unwanted fetus to live. i have do a 50-men train with creampie action, get pregnant with triplets, then abort until i have no uterus left because i deemed it necessary. the world health organization defines reproductive rights as follows: reproductive rights rest on the recognition of the basic right of all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and the right to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health. they also include the right of all to make decisions concerning reproduction free of discrimination, coercion and violence.[2] wiki all medical surgeries cause harm...deal with it. unborn baby/child is oxymoron and misnomer, it goes against the human development chart. a fetus is not a baby. you pro-life schizophrenic fascists, you support reproductive slavery of women masked in an appeal to emotion fallacy...it's disgusting. the human fetus is a parasite. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110608162301aamwdda

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