Act to Allow Undocumented Students to Attend College Killed in Senate

Monday, September 27, 2010
Legislation granting illegal immigrant students the chance to remain in the U.S. as legal residents died in the Senate after Republicans refused to vote for a defense authorization bill to which the measure was attached.
The DREAM (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act would allow undocumented students under the age of 16 to apply for conditional legal status for a six-year period provided they graduate from a two-year college, complete two years of a four-year university, or serve in the military for two years.
At the end of the six-year period, they could become permanent legal residents if they have a clean criminal record.
Immigration advocates estimate the legislation could benefit nearly 825,000 students.
The bill’s sponsor, Senator Dick Durbin (D-Illinois), has not given up and reintroduced the DREAM Act as a stand-alone bill.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
DREAM Act Dies With Rejection Of Defense Bill (by Suzanne Gamboa, Associated Press)


Francis 13 years ago
LEAST WE FORGET IN NOVEMBER Grade cards for incumbents on immigration can be evaluated at NumbersUSA. $113 Billion a year says (FAIR) along with another $60 billion out the country, to foreign families. Nobody believes the lawmakers any more, as all the promises of enforcing illegal immigration has turned to bitter waters. The Sanctuary Cities and states like California are allowed to thrive, driving up taxes for its citizens. Even the Judicial branch is not fulfilling its duties to detain and deport all illegal aliens, they are just removing the criminals that taint America. Let us make it very clear that anti-illegal immigration groups--the majority of them are not racist. The Tea Party is certainly--NOT--racists, as one can see in the mix of demonstrations; it’s composed of everybody who believes in the "Rule of Law." Which doesn’t mean just white people? In the 1986 an Amnesty was proposed in Congress by the late Ted Kennedy, who promised implicitly--NO--MORE—AMNESTIES prior to being enacted. Since just the 1990's there have been six small amnesties, under the radar, hoping that the general public didn’t realize it? Senator Harry Reid, speaker Pelosi and the mob of pro amnesty politicians, thinks the American people are stupid when attaching an immigration rider to the the War appropriations bill ten days ago. The Dream Act (The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act) had a limit under the house bill, but there are—NO- restrictions under Senator Reid, Dick Durbin who said nothing about people being able to be processed up to the age of 35, as being considered for citizenship under the Dream Act. My guess the majority of either parties, didn't read the Dream Act attachment? By the time it would be passed, somewhere between 2 to 4 million students of illegal alien Mothers would be involved. The quality of high school performance didn’t seem to be a pre-requisite? It would be a grand award for parents who fraudulently moved to the United States. One thing Reid didn't mention at all are those students legalized over 21 could sponsor their parents and immediate family circle. In addition even up to the age of fifteen you could still claim a visa under the Dream Act, even if you had just slid through the border. Senator Reid and top leadership cannot be trusted, as they will do anything to attract votes from the illegal minority population. Any promised Amnesty will attract people who didn't even think of leaving there home country, until they heard that the generous American politicians were implementing another green card rush. We must be on our guard, as senator Reid may try to slip this law into the Senate once again, before November. Use the empowerment of your vote to demand that your US Senator does not vote for this Sen. Reid Dream Act by calling the Washington switchboard at 202-224-3121. The Public servants we voted into power, doesn't seem to exhibit any compassion for the 15 American workers out of work. This week-- a charade of summoning a comedian Stephen Colbert to Washington, to promote a path to citizenship for farm workers was madness and with better things to discuss? I think the whole situation was a prime embarrassment to all citizens. What did they hope to accomplish? If American non-skilled labor was paid wages they could live on, using more new generation machines to do the work of fifty, they would get more citizens hired? My grandfather picked grapes before the Second World War and his two boys also helped out during the harvesting season in the hot sun. One thing none of should forget that the farmers do not pay for the health care treatment and the farm workers children's education, the US taxpayer does. Then while there here picking our fruit, vegetables any child born becomes an instant citizen. Females with multiple births can then claim citizenship for their infants and collect a whole lot of welfare benefits. This part of the 14th amendment has become a very expensive proposition for taxpayers. While citizens wait years to get on a list for low income housing, our government supply housing under section 8, food stamps, health care and a generous supply of welfare cash for each child. According to Pew Research Center there are approximately 8.5 million foreign nationals in jobs, citizens and legal residents should occupy. The only way we can ever take back America, for the people is sending a resonant message to Congress that we mean--BUSINESS! NO MORE AMNESTIES! We must dismantle the old boy political power network, starting with the removal of—ALL-- incumbents. If you want to pay fewer taxes--we need to remove Sen. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Janet Napolitano, Sen. Barbara Boxer and a list of incumbents on both sides of the aisle in Washington. Keep an eye on Senator Reid as he stealthily nearly tabled E-Verify and has been singularly involved in blocking the 287 (g) local police illegal alien detainment and other immigration power plays. Outside of the main corruption in the Capitol, state assemblies are out to build a nest egg for themselves. That’s why we need to view carefully the Governors, Mayors and other elected officials who are supposedly representing us and should be under the gun. Finally--it’s a repeat performance that if we vote in the same old lot, nothing will change. There needs to be a contract with all new candidates, of no more "earmarks." These things are in most cases taxpayer money, which is squandered on many incomprehensible projects. In November be assured that unknown numbers of illegal aliens will try and keep their pro-amnesty endorser in power, so all States with low security in polling stations should be scrutinized. The absentee ballot is specifically easy to forge without officials addressing this situation. As I said previously, the "honor System" cannot be trusted as today we must demand government picture ID to prove you are a citizen and have a right to vote—not just a utility bill. Texas and every other state needs to upgrade there security when it comes to voting, for as early the early seventies? Acorn, was involved in the a voter fraud controversy, but was batten down and seemed to have died out. High population of majority ethnic communities have been caught in undermining our voting system. for those citizens interested should GOOGLE--voter fraud and illegal immigrants. The Liberal press will suppress any articles about voter fraud, but their is a mass of evidence that this goes on around the country.

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