Navy Set to Break Record for Firing Commanders

Friday, July 29, 2011
Commander Karl Pugh, relieved for alcohol-related incident, July 2011
The U.S. Navy set a record last year by firing 17 officers, and it is on pace to eclipse that mark in 2011.
So far this year naval leaders have discharged 15 commanders, with three of them coming in the same week this month.
Some observers blame the service for allowing problematic behavior to take place for too long. Naval analyst Norman Polmar told that the Navy has not clearly articulated its regulations and standards to officers, and that these rules have become too difficult to follow. Polmar added that the service also ignored less serious infractions earlier in the fired officers’ careers.
Top naval officials insist they are merely trying to bolster the level of professionalism by removing a few troublesome leaders.
Some commanders were relieved for improper relationships with subordinates or for personal misconduct, such as driving drunk or soliciting a prostitute. Two female commanding officers were fired because they created a hostile or demeaning climate for those under them.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Navy Sailing Toward Banner Year in CO Firings (by Bryant Jordan,


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