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The Department of Defense’s Inspector General (DoDIG) is appointed by the President or by the agency heads, who are themselves appointed by the President. The DoDIG is supposed to operate independently of the Department of Defense to prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse through audits and investigations. The DOD’s Inspector General is in charge of keeping the department head and the Congress informed about agency problems and deficiencies. The Inspector General is considered a watchdog for Congress concerning the performance within the DoD.


The Office of Inspector General is in charge of monitoring the activities of the internal audit, inspection, and investigating units of the military departments, with the goal of avoiding duplication and insuring effective coordination and cooperation. 



The Inspector General Act of 1978 was the foundation of the office of inspector general and was created to look over the entire Department of Defense. The office was actually created by the 1983 DOD Authorization Act. The DoDIG is equivalent to other cabinet level inspector general offices and provides Congress with oversight of the uniformed Services and their respective inspector general systems.

What it Does:

The Office of Inspector General is organized into six main offices:

  • Deputy Inspector General for Auditing - Duties are acquisitions and contract management, Defense Financial Auditing Service and operations support. Also performs the primary internal audit functions of the office of Inspector General within the Secretary of Defense, joint Chief of Staff, the United and Specified Commands, Military Departments and the Defense agencies. Audit coverage involves: allegations of fraud, waste and mismanagement, DoD hotline complaints, information in alleged violations of law, rule or regulations, information on alleged danger to public health and safety, matters involving economy and efficiency in DoD operations, contracts and programs, financial audits as well as cooperative projects within the DoD and governmental audit and inspection.
  • Office of Communications and Congressional Liaisons - Duties are to keep the Congress and senior DoD personnel fully and currently informed of significant problems, innovative alternatives and the status of any improvement efforts associated with programs and operations of the department. 
  • Deputy Inspector General for Investigations - Includes the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, Military Reprisal Investigations and the Investigations of Senior Officials.
  • Deputy Inspector General for Policy and Oversight - Provides oversight and policy for audit and investigative activities within DoD. This office conducts inspections and evaluations, provides technical, statistical, and quantitative advice and support for the Office of Inspector General. Their main goal is to provide oversight and policy support to the DoD and conduct assessments to Improve DoD programs and operations.
  • Deputy Inspector General for Intelligence - Duties include: auditing, evaluation, monitoring and reviewing DoD programs, policies, procedures and functions of the intelligence community, as well as special access programs and nuclear security issues within the DoD.
  • Office of Administration and Management - Their duties are to promote efficiency and productivity within the programs of DoD and to provide efficient, effective and courteous administrative support and services.    
In August 2007, Claude M. Kicklighter, the DoDIG, led an investigation team in Iraq to investigate allegations of fraud and corruption related to military contracts. The team was looking into flaws that had been seen regarding weapons and supplies bought by the US for the Iraqi forces. Seveny-three criminal investigations were in progress concerning contracts that were valued at more then $5 billion. Twenty military and civilian personnel, including an officer who worked closely with Gen. David Petraeus have already been indicted.            

With whistleblower protection, military members now have the option of directly contacting their Military Inspector General or reporting their complaints to the DoDIG Director for military reprisal investigations through the defense hotline. The DoDIG website includes a link where


of mismanagement, fraud, waste and authority abuse can be made. DoDIG also has a defense hotline where complaints can made, (800) 424-9098 or an email complaint can be sent to

this address




Inspector General Claude M. Kicklighter has refused to investigate Halliburton/KBR on gang-rape allegations made by former employee Jaime Leigh Jones. Jones reported that she had been gang-raped by her co-workers at Halliburton while working in Baghdad. Kicklighter, as well as other members of the Bush Administration, has reportedly been uncooperative throughout the investigation. Lawmakers, including Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Bill Nelson, have been pushing the administration to reveal why an earlier investigation had not led to any prosecution. When Nelson asked Kicklighter to look into the matter, Kicklighter responded that “no further investigation by this agency into the allegations made by Jones is warranted.” Some suspect that the Inspector General has not taken the initiative to look into this case because of the possibility that Jones’ assault may not be an isolated case.

Pentagon Won't Probe KBR Rape Charges: DoD IG Says the Justice Dept. Is Still Investigating the Alleged Gang-Rape

(by Justin Rood, ABC News)


Former Directors:

Mick Kicklighter

Claude M. “Mick” Kicklighter was sworn in as the Inspector General of the Department of Defense on April 30, 2007. He was the sixth-confirmed DoD Inspector General. 
Kicklighter was born and raised in Glennville, Georgia, and graduated from Mercer University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biology and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in Field Artillery. He achieved his Masters of Arts Degree in Management of National Resources from the School of Business Administration at George Washington University. He also is a graduate of the United States Army Command and General Staff College and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces. His overseas tours included France, Germany, the Netherlands, Iran, and two tours in Vietnam.
Kicklighter served 35 years in the U.S Army and retired in 1991 as a lieutenant general. Kicklighter commanded units at every level. Senior level commands included servings as Commander, US Army Pacific, 25th Infantry Division and the U.S Army Security Assistance Command. He also held senior level staff assignments with the office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff the Office of Secretary of Defense, and the Department of the Army. In February 1997, Kicklighter was elected to the board of Habitat for Humanity and became its Chair in 1998. Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit Christian organization that builds houses for families in need in seventy-nine countries.  
In 1999 Kicklighter left the Department of the Army and became Chief of Staff at Value America, Inc., an e-commerce company where he worked until March of 2000. Kicklighter was then nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, in 2001, as Assistant Secretary for Policy and Planning, which later became the Office of Policy, Planning and Preparedness after the attacks on September 11, 2001. In this role, he was senior advisor to the Secretary on strategic planning, policy research and analysis, program evaluation, emergency operations, preparedness, and security and law enforcement. In 2003, he was Director of the Department of Defense's Iraq Transition Team that, together with the Department of State's Iraq Transition Team, planned the inactivation of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) and the establishment of the new U.S. Mission Baghdad. Kicklighter was also the Chief of Staff in the Department of Veterans Affairs and in 2004 he was designated as Special Advisor to the Deputy Secretary of State for Stabilization and Security Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.  
In October, 2005, he was selected by the Secretaries of State and Defense to establish and direct the Iraq/Afghanistan Joint Transition Planning Group, a joint Department of State and Department of Defense team that has provided analysis and recommendations for coordinating efforts to address transition challenges in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Kicklighter resigned his position as Inspector General effective July 13, 2008, and joined George Mason University as director of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Program.

The Fall of a Dot-Com: Blinded by Net fever, big-name investors poured millions into Craig Winn's chaotic Value America

(by John A. Byrne, Business Week)

Joseph Schmitz

After more than three years as Inspector General, Joseph Schmitz resigned in September 2005 to become chief operation officer and general counsel for the Prince Group, which owns the security contractor Blackwater Worldwide.




Gabriela Anaya 5 years ago
Hi, Im sending u this message bc of a complaint I have against Dr. Michael Franc from the Los Alamitos JFTB in California. He falsified my medical records/questionnaire in order to release me from the military due to my nationality of being of Mexican descent. As you investigate, you'll see that most of the Mexicans were fired in 2013 from 140th Chemical Company California Army National Guard. I was an E-4.
Army Veteran 8 years ago
I would just like someone to explain to me how large transpiration companies that claim small business can revenue close to 35 million in profit and have 4 total employee's? Not just that but also be privately owned and allowed to commit acts of war on US citizen's with with psychological warfare technique's with help from local authorities and no repercussions? Oh and yes that's my real email address and name with it.
Tanesha Windom 13 years ago
well,i feel it's best to file a complaint against the department of social services,the state of wisconsin and milwaukee public school system. i'm a us navy veteran,i won't tolerate what i'm going through currently,at one point ,i didn't have a place to live,somebody think that is the normal way to behave,well,it doesn't go on in the military,who every thought it was normal for me to be in that situation,currently feel that way,please,put a restraining order on that person. don't en...
Jim Bowers 13 years ago
congratulations on you new assignment. in case you don't remember, i was the divarty s1 (sitting in front of ltc joe lagas) when you were the commander. it was great serving under your command. among so many really good assignments, i enjoyed working under you and joe the best. i retired to jacksonville, fl in 1980. i was post adjutant at hunter aaf. i am not surprised at your success achieving 3-star rank. best of luck! (although you don't need luck) best wishes, jim bowers

Leave a comment

Founded: 1983
Annual Budget: $216 million (2008)
Official Website:
Office of the Inspector General
Fine, Glenn
Inspector General

Glenn Fine, who previously served as Inspector General in the Department of Justice (DOJ), was appointed acting Inspector General for the Department of Defense in January, 2016, and was nominated by President Obama for the job on a permanent basis on September 28, 2016.


Fine, who was born in 1956, is from Melrose Park, Pennsylvania. His father, Morton, was an anti-trust attorney in the DOJ. The younger Fine attended Cheltenham High, where he played basketball. He continued to play while he attended Harvard, leading the Ivy League in assists.

Fine played so well, in fact, that after he graduated with a B.A. in economics in 1979, he had a choice. He could accept a Rhodes Scholarship to study at Oxford University, or he could join the San Antonio Spurs of the NBA, who had drafted Fine in the 10th round. Fine chose England over Texas and earned a B.A./M.A. in politics, philosophy and economics from Oxford’s Pembroke College. He then returned to Harvard, this time for a law degree in 1985.


Fine started his law career as an assistant U.S. Attorney in Washington in 1986. He left in 1989 for a spot as an associate at the Washington firm of Bredhoff & Kaiser, where he worked on labor and employment law.


Fine returned to the Justice Department in 1995 as special counsel to the Inspector General and director of special investigations and review.


In 2000, Fine was named Inspector General at the DOJ. Among his achievements there was his documentation of the George W. Bush administration firings of four U.S. Attorneys for partisan reasons and its packing of the Civil Rights Division with political appointees instead of civil service employees. His office also investigated the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s handling of Zacarias Moussaoui, who had enrolled in a flight school as part of the 9/11 terror plot. FBI headquarters had discouraged the office in Minneapolis, where Moussaoui was arrested, from getting a search warrant that might have turned up information that could have prevented the attacks. Fine’s office was highly critical of the bureau for not taking the threat posed by Moussaoui seriously.


Fine left the Justice Department in 2011 and both The New York Times and Washington Post wrote editorials at that time praising his work. He became a partner at the firm of Dechert LLP, where he focused on white collar crime and securities litigation. Fine returned to government service in June 2015, joining the Defense Department as principal Deputy Inspector General.


Fine is married to Beth Heifetz, also an attorney and a former law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmon. Fine and Heifetz have two daughters. Fine is a member of the Philadelphia Jewish Sports Hall of Fame.

-Steve Straehley


To Learn More

Justice and the I.G. (New York Times)

A Fine Job (Washington Post)

Official Biography

Heddell, Gordon
Previous Inspector General
Born in 1949, Gordon S. Heddell joined the Army in 1966 and served as a Chief Warrant Officer and a helicopter pilot in South Korea and Taiwan. After the completion of his military service, Heddell earned a BA in political science at the University of Missouri in 1971 and an MA in legal studies in 1975 at the University of Illinois at Springfield. Heddell spent 29 years in the Secret Service. Among her many responsibilities, he spent two years directing investigations of threats against the President and others, two years supervising counterfeiting and financial fraud investigations in Philadelphia, two years overseeing training programs for Secret Service employees, five years involved in protecting Vice-President Al Gore (1993-1998). From 1998 until December 2000, Heddell served as Assisstant Director in charge of the Secret Service’s Inspection and Internal Affairs programs. In 2000, President Clinton nominated Heddell to be Inspector General at the Department of Labor, a position he assumed in January 2001 and held for more than seven years until President Bush made him Acting Inspector General at the Defense Department upon the resignation of Mick Kicklighter in July 2008. During his tenure at Labor, Heddell most notably investigated organized crime, culminating in the May 2008 FBI indictments of almost two dozen members of the Gambino Crime Family, including charges relating to labor racketeering. He was sworn in as Inspector General on July 14, 2009,one year after taking over as Acting Inspector General, and served until December 23, 2011.
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The Department of Defense’s Inspector General (DoDIG) is appointed by the President or by the agency heads, who are themselves appointed by the President. The DoDIG is supposed to operate independently of the Department of Defense to prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse through audits and investigations. The DOD’s Inspector General is in charge of keeping the department head and the Congress informed about agency problems and deficiencies. The Inspector General is considered a watchdog for Congress concerning the performance within the DoD.


The Office of Inspector General is in charge of monitoring the activities of the internal audit, inspection, and investigating units of the military departments, with the goal of avoiding duplication and insuring effective coordination and cooperation. 



The Inspector General Act of 1978 was the foundation of the office of inspector general and was created to look over the entire Department of Defense. The office was actually created by the 1983 DOD Authorization Act. The DoDIG is equivalent to other cabinet level inspector general offices and provides Congress with oversight of the uniformed Services and their respective inspector general systems.

What it Does:

The Office of Inspector General is organized into six main offices:

  • Deputy Inspector General for Auditing - Duties are acquisitions and contract management, Defense Financial Auditing Service and operations support. Also performs the primary internal audit functions of the office of Inspector General within the Secretary of Defense, joint Chief of Staff, the United and Specified Commands, Military Departments and the Defense agencies. Audit coverage involves: allegations of fraud, waste and mismanagement, DoD hotline complaints, information in alleged violations of law, rule or regulations, information on alleged danger to public health and safety, matters involving economy and efficiency in DoD operations, contracts and programs, financial audits as well as cooperative projects within the DoD and governmental audit and inspection.
  • Office of Communications and Congressional Liaisons - Duties are to keep the Congress and senior DoD personnel fully and currently informed of significant problems, innovative alternatives and the status of any improvement efforts associated with programs and operations of the department. 
  • Deputy Inspector General for Investigations - Includes the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, Military Reprisal Investigations and the Investigations of Senior Officials.
  • Deputy Inspector General for Policy and Oversight - Provides oversight and policy for audit and investigative activities within DoD. This office conducts inspections and evaluations, provides technical, statistical, and quantitative advice and support for the Office of Inspector General. Their main goal is to provide oversight and policy support to the DoD and conduct assessments to Improve DoD programs and operations.
  • Deputy Inspector General for Intelligence - Duties include: auditing, evaluation, monitoring and reviewing DoD programs, policies, procedures and functions of the intelligence community, as well as special access programs and nuclear security issues within the DoD.
  • Office of Administration and Management - Their duties are to promote efficiency and productivity within the programs of DoD and to provide efficient, effective and courteous administrative support and services.    
In August 2007, Claude M. Kicklighter, the DoDIG, led an investigation team in Iraq to investigate allegations of fraud and corruption related to military contracts. The team was looking into flaws that had been seen regarding weapons and supplies bought by the US for the Iraqi forces. Seveny-three criminal investigations were in progress concerning contracts that were valued at more then $5 billion. Twenty military and civilian personnel, including an officer who worked closely with Gen. David Petraeus have already been indicted.            

With whistleblower protection, military members now have the option of directly contacting their Military Inspector General or reporting their complaints to the DoDIG Director for military reprisal investigations through the defense hotline. The DoDIG website includes a link where


of mismanagement, fraud, waste and authority abuse can be made. DoDIG also has a defense hotline where complaints can made, (800) 424-9098 or an email complaint can be sent to

this address




Inspector General Claude M. Kicklighter has refused to investigate Halliburton/KBR on gang-rape allegations made by former employee Jaime Leigh Jones. Jones reported that she had been gang-raped by her co-workers at Halliburton while working in Baghdad. Kicklighter, as well as other members of the Bush Administration, has reportedly been uncooperative throughout the investigation. Lawmakers, including Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Bill Nelson, have been pushing the administration to reveal why an earlier investigation had not led to any prosecution. When Nelson asked Kicklighter to look into the matter, Kicklighter responded that “no further investigation by this agency into the allegations made by Jones is warranted.” Some suspect that the Inspector General has not taken the initiative to look into this case because of the possibility that Jones’ assault may not be an isolated case.

Pentagon Won't Probe KBR Rape Charges: DoD IG Says the Justice Dept. Is Still Investigating the Alleged Gang-Rape

(by Justin Rood, ABC News)


Former Directors:

Mick Kicklighter

Claude M. “Mick” Kicklighter was sworn in as the Inspector General of the Department of Defense on April 30, 2007. He was the sixth-confirmed DoD Inspector General. 
Kicklighter was born and raised in Glennville, Georgia, and graduated from Mercer University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biology and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in Field Artillery. He achieved his Masters of Arts Degree in Management of National Resources from the School of Business Administration at George Washington University. He also is a graduate of the United States Army Command and General Staff College and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces. His overseas tours included France, Germany, the Netherlands, Iran, and two tours in Vietnam.
Kicklighter served 35 years in the U.S Army and retired in 1991 as a lieutenant general. Kicklighter commanded units at every level. Senior level commands included servings as Commander, US Army Pacific, 25th Infantry Division and the U.S Army Security Assistance Command. He also held senior level staff assignments with the office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff the Office of Secretary of Defense, and the Department of the Army. In February 1997, Kicklighter was elected to the board of Habitat for Humanity and became its Chair in 1998. Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit Christian organization that builds houses for families in need in seventy-nine countries.  
In 1999 Kicklighter left the Department of the Army and became Chief of Staff at Value America, Inc., an e-commerce company where he worked until March of 2000. Kicklighter was then nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, in 2001, as Assistant Secretary for Policy and Planning, which later became the Office of Policy, Planning and Preparedness after the attacks on September 11, 2001. In this role, he was senior advisor to the Secretary on strategic planning, policy research and analysis, program evaluation, emergency operations, preparedness, and security and law enforcement. In 2003, he was Director of the Department of Defense's Iraq Transition Team that, together with the Department of State's Iraq Transition Team, planned the inactivation of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) and the establishment of the new U.S. Mission Baghdad. Kicklighter was also the Chief of Staff in the Department of Veterans Affairs and in 2004 he was designated as Special Advisor to the Deputy Secretary of State for Stabilization and Security Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.  
In October, 2005, he was selected by the Secretaries of State and Defense to establish and direct the Iraq/Afghanistan Joint Transition Planning Group, a joint Department of State and Department of Defense team that has provided analysis and recommendations for coordinating efforts to address transition challenges in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Kicklighter resigned his position as Inspector General effective July 13, 2008, and joined George Mason University as director of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Program.

The Fall of a Dot-Com: Blinded by Net fever, big-name investors poured millions into Craig Winn's chaotic Value America

(by John A. Byrne, Business Week)

Joseph Schmitz

After more than three years as Inspector General, Joseph Schmitz resigned in September 2005 to become chief operation officer and general counsel for the Prince Group, which owns the security contractor Blackwater Worldwide.




Gabriela Anaya 5 years ago
Hi, Im sending u this message bc of a complaint I have against Dr. Michael Franc from the Los Alamitos JFTB in California. He falsified my medical records/questionnaire in order to release me from the military due to my nationality of being of Mexican descent. As you investigate, you'll see that most of the Mexicans were fired in 2013 from 140th Chemical Company California Army National Guard. I was an E-4.
Army Veteran 8 years ago
I would just like someone to explain to me how large transpiration companies that claim small business can revenue close to 35 million in profit and have 4 total employee's? Not just that but also be privately owned and allowed to commit acts of war on US citizen's with with psychological warfare technique's with help from local authorities and no repercussions? Oh and yes that's my real email address and name with it.
Tanesha Windom 13 years ago
well,i feel it's best to file a complaint against the department of social services,the state of wisconsin and milwaukee public school system. i'm a us navy veteran,i won't tolerate what i'm going through currently,at one point ,i didn't have a place to live,somebody think that is the normal way to behave,well,it doesn't go on in the military,who every thought it was normal for me to be in that situation,currently feel that way,please,put a restraining order on that person. don't en...
Jim Bowers 13 years ago
congratulations on you new assignment. in case you don't remember, i was the divarty s1 (sitting in front of ltc joe lagas) when you were the commander. it was great serving under your command. among so many really good assignments, i enjoyed working under you and joe the best. i retired to jacksonville, fl in 1980. i was post adjutant at hunter aaf. i am not surprised at your success achieving 3-star rank. best of luck! (although you don't need luck) best wishes, jim bowers

Leave a comment

Founded: 1983
Annual Budget: $216 million (2008)
Official Website:
Office of the Inspector General
Fine, Glenn
Inspector General

Glenn Fine, who previously served as Inspector General in the Department of Justice (DOJ), was appointed acting Inspector General for the Department of Defense in January, 2016, and was nominated by President Obama for the job on a permanent basis on September 28, 2016.


Fine, who was born in 1956, is from Melrose Park, Pennsylvania. His father, Morton, was an anti-trust attorney in the DOJ. The younger Fine attended Cheltenham High, where he played basketball. He continued to play while he attended Harvard, leading the Ivy League in assists.

Fine played so well, in fact, that after he graduated with a B.A. in economics in 1979, he had a choice. He could accept a Rhodes Scholarship to study at Oxford University, or he could join the San Antonio Spurs of the NBA, who had drafted Fine in the 10th round. Fine chose England over Texas and earned a B.A./M.A. in politics, philosophy and economics from Oxford’s Pembroke College. He then returned to Harvard, this time for a law degree in 1985.


Fine started his law career as an assistant U.S. Attorney in Washington in 1986. He left in 1989 for a spot as an associate at the Washington firm of Bredhoff & Kaiser, where he worked on labor and employment law.


Fine returned to the Justice Department in 1995 as special counsel to the Inspector General and director of special investigations and review.


In 2000, Fine was named Inspector General at the DOJ. Among his achievements there was his documentation of the George W. Bush administration firings of four U.S. Attorneys for partisan reasons and its packing of the Civil Rights Division with political appointees instead of civil service employees. His office also investigated the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s handling of Zacarias Moussaoui, who had enrolled in a flight school as part of the 9/11 terror plot. FBI headquarters had discouraged the office in Minneapolis, where Moussaoui was arrested, from getting a search warrant that might have turned up information that could have prevented the attacks. Fine’s office was highly critical of the bureau for not taking the threat posed by Moussaoui seriously.


Fine left the Justice Department in 2011 and both The New York Times and Washington Post wrote editorials at that time praising his work. He became a partner at the firm of Dechert LLP, where he focused on white collar crime and securities litigation. Fine returned to government service in June 2015, joining the Defense Department as principal Deputy Inspector General.


Fine is married to Beth Heifetz, also an attorney and a former law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmon. Fine and Heifetz have two daughters. Fine is a member of the Philadelphia Jewish Sports Hall of Fame.

-Steve Straehley


To Learn More

Justice and the I.G. (New York Times)

A Fine Job (Washington Post)

Official Biography

Heddell, Gordon
Previous Inspector General
Born in 1949, Gordon S. Heddell joined the Army in 1966 and served as a Chief Warrant Officer and a helicopter pilot in South Korea and Taiwan. After the completion of his military service, Heddell earned a BA in political science at the University of Missouri in 1971 and an MA in legal studies in 1975 at the University of Illinois at Springfield. Heddell spent 29 years in the Secret Service. Among her many responsibilities, he spent two years directing investigations of threats against the President and others, two years supervising counterfeiting and financial fraud investigations in Philadelphia, two years overseeing training programs for Secret Service employees, five years involved in protecting Vice-President Al Gore (1993-1998). From 1998 until December 2000, Heddell served as Assisstant Director in charge of the Secret Service’s Inspection and Internal Affairs programs. In 2000, President Clinton nominated Heddell to be Inspector General at the Department of Labor, a position he assumed in January 2001 and held for more than seven years until President Bush made him Acting Inspector General at the Defense Department upon the resignation of Mick Kicklighter in July 2008. During his tenure at Labor, Heddell most notably investigated organized crime, culminating in the May 2008 FBI indictments of almost two dozen members of the Gambino Crime Family, including charges relating to labor racketeering. He was sworn in as Inspector General on July 14, 2009,one year after taking over as Acting Inspector General, and served until December 23, 2011.