All posts > Posts tagged academy awards
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Best Picture Nominees—Selma, American Sniper and the Distortion of History

Thursday, February 12, 2015 1:36 PM
Bradley Cooper, who portrays Kyle (and does a great job, by the way), has said that American Sniper is “not a movie about the Iraq War….It’s not a political movie at all.”
I beg to disagree. Any film that does not question the rationale behind the war it portrays by default accepts the correctness of that war.

Academy Awards 2012—Foreign Language Films

Sunday, February 26, 2012 6:04 AM
I saw 50 of the 63 films entered in the Best Foreign Language Film category and I am happy to report that this was an exceptionally good year. If there was no single masterpiece that stood out, there were a couple dozen good films that I would ...

Academy Awards 2012—Documentary Shorts

Tuesday, February 21, 2012 5:06 AM
Academy Awards 2012—Documentary Shorts
With this year’s nominees clocking in at an average of 34 minutes, the Academy might want to rename this category Documentary Mediums rather than Documentary Shorts. Perhaps because of their length, they ...

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